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Re: Parents
Post # 15

You can always do witchcraft without herbs and candles. just tell the that you practise it and make them understand. We are sure they will agree with you.

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Re: Parents
Post # 16
what I do is none of my parents business because when I started doing magic I was in my twenties
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Re: Parents
By: / Novice
Post # 17
If you want to keep learning, please go right ahead and do so. You're parents have an issue with you practicing it, so for now, dont practice it until you're grown up and on your own. In the meantime, keep learning, researching and meditating ;)
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Re: Parents
Post # 18
Is it okay to cast spells on your parents without letting them know? The last time I tried convincing my parents to adopt magic, they grounded me for seven months. They told me that magic was an illusion that wasn't worthwhile. I now practice in secret but there are still negative feelings between me and my parents. Do you always have to cast spells with materials or can you just use your mind, energy, inner power, etc. ? I always cast spells involving grey and green magic.
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Re: Parents
Post # 19

Friend8ship5, I would consider just telling your parents instead of trying to cast on them. Your morals are up to you and all, but casting on someone because they disagree with you doesn't really fix things. Make them understand that this is your spiritual belief and is as valid as any other. Assert yourself, don't go through passive agressive means to do things. This will only cause more rifts in your relationship with your parents.

My mother wasn't happy at all that I had taken Wicca as my religion years ago and it was based off of a really stupid experience she had with a former co-worker who was Wiccan and had a horrible attitude about it. I am no longer Wiccan, but my mother has learned to accept me for who I am. You just have to learn to deal with these things instead of pass them under a rug.

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Re: Parents
Post # 20
I think while you live in their house you shouldn't bring in energies they have specifically asked you not to. You can meditate, but I think you should only practice out of the home this will give them the space they need and allow you to continue in your practice. You can read and study as much as you need to, but remember to be respectful of your parent's as long as they are respectful of you. Hope this helped.
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Re: Parents
Post # 21
I have a similar problem,i study and practice in secret.
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Re: Parents
Post # 22
I deffinantly agree with what you say, because as long as you have repsect for your parents, and as long as you live in their house it will be difficult, but give them time to see that magic is never meant to harm anybody or anything.
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Re: Parents
Post # 23
When I first started learning magic, I knew that my mother wouldn't approve.She is very religious, and used to think that witchcraft was a practice of followers of the devil.So I decided to learn in secret.I found a place where it was peaceful and quite, where I wouldn't be disturbed, and started practicing my magic there.After a while, though, the days started to get colder and i couldn't go there anymore.I decided to confess to my mother and show her that magic doesn't only involve curses and bad things.After that, she decided not to interfere with my magic,and leaves me alone.She and I still have some bad tensions at times,but she tries to be understanding.Telling your parents how you truly feel could be a solution, as can doing your magic out of the house for a while
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Re: Parents
Post # 24
Listening to your parents is important as long as the financially take care of you, feel free to go further with your practices when you are over eighteen years old, which is the legal age of being considered adults.

Since they know you're interested in it, why won't you talk to them and convince them to compromise with you? I am sure a few word can solve it if you clarify you aren't up to anything calamitous.
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