dragon are not dead

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Re: dragon are not dead
By: / Novice
Post # 20
lol loved your Scoobi Doo reference AwakeTooLong.

working with flamingbirds question they were physical beings wiped out by humans:

it does make you think, but they didn't just have bows and arrows. catapults for instance, and it would of been a long battle, but dragons have a softer underbelly, shoot them there, or cut off their head depending. ever seen How to Train your Dragon? they talk about ways to kill various dragons. so, it would be difficult, but i don't think it's impossible.

are they physically real, and if so, where are they now?

there's a belief that dragons traveled to the astral when humans began to hunt them. how this was done, not too sure. maybe Merlin helped, whatever reason they're now astral beings, like spirits, you can communicate with them, and ask them to help you with your spells and rituals, but it's all dealing with spiritual energy. not a physical fire breathing dragon. [side note, not all dragons breath fire, you're thinking of the European, but i can name a few that don't breath fire. ice dragons for example, lindworms for another] they can do some damage to you if you upset them, just as you would a demon or a spirit you summoned.

Dragon Magick:

while i've written an article that can be found in the spell casters rituals book [and i've linked to you several times flameingbird] a Dragon Magick practitioner is not dealing with a physical dragon. Merlin and King Arther and all that are legends, don't assume they're fact. you're calling upon dragons to aid you in your spells and rituals, the same way one might call on the elements or the gods. Dragon Magick is a very personal path, and it deals more with spirituality than riding dragons and fighting goblins. and yes, since it was mentioned, Dragon Magick is a new concept, pretty much everyone agrees D.J. Conway started it. as i mentioned above, however, it's far more spiritual than you may think. i actually do very little with dragons. i call upon the dragons of the four elements when casting my circle, but other than that, i go and see them when i need help in my studies, be it energy work, spell casting, herbalism, or whatever.

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 21
Can I be your student

Re: dragon are not dead
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 22
Right on. Thank you for referencing Dj Conway. Most people who discuss it seem to believe it to be an ancient practice, and this has left me rather skeptical.

As a method of visualization, pathworking, etc. I can see it being useful.

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 23
Okay let me tell you a little something about history. :) Way back then during ancient China, people didn't have the knowledge to explain events as we do now with science and logic. People back then would find the bones of dinosaurs, huge fossils that they could only explain it as being the bones of gigantic dragons. Now here's the deal, as culture spreads through trade and interaction between empires and countries people pick up on these beliefs and even put a twist of their own to them, hence why western dragons are malevolent and the Chinese Asian dragons are benevolent. Another example would be with the ancient Greeks. They found the bones of wholly mammoths and to them these had to be the bones of giants and the gods. Then the Romans come along and take their ideas and apply to their culture, language, etc. Now I'm a very open person and I believe that anything is possible as long as its backed up with proof, but again I'm pretty sure we would also read about actual dragon events in old historical text. Just my two cents. :)

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 24
Dragon are real they are astral beings some physical

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 25
If they are physical beings, we have no actual proof. Some people claim that reptiles come close to dragons, but through my experience, I must agree with Nekoshema and say that they are astral beings.

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 26
Thank you because they hiding we got no physical proof that they all dead

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 27
well first things first 1. dragons were a physical creatures but and now spiritual creatures 2. stop calling people fluffy just cause your to full of yourself to actually do research on it or when they request a spell

Re: dragon are not dead
Post # 28
I don't call people fluffy

Re: dragon are not dead
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 29

I am locking this thread.

I think Awake summed it up.

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