The Hobbit: Smaug/Fafnir

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Re: The Hobbit: Smaug/Fafnir
Post # 11
To bring this old thread back to the surface, it is also interesting to mention that the names of the twelve dwarves (Dwalin, Balin, Fili, Kili, Biffur, Boffur, Bombur, Dori, Ori, Nori, Oin, Gloin) can be found in the Prose Edda during the story of the creation of the dwarves and their blood line, as well as the names Thrain, Thorin, Thror, Gand-Elf (Gandalf) and Oakenshield. The names of the dwarves ancestor, Durinn, is also found in the Edda as one of the first dwarves in existence.
It is also noticeable to see the parallels between Odin and Gandalf. Both are known to be "Wandering Wizards", both are very wise and seek knowledge almost to a fault, both are considered to be one of the most ancient beings in existence, both are very serious yet have a more light hearted side, and both have been known to put other people into situations considered outside of their comfort zone. Even the depictions of the two are strikingly similar, both wear wide brimmed hats, blue and gray colors, both carry a rod like device (Odin's Spear and Gandalf's staff), both are fond of smoking but only with a pipe, both look fairly old but are praised for their skill in battle, both are more powerful than they lead on to be, and both travel by horse.
The similarities and parallels between Tolkein's middle earth and the Northern Lore is remarkable, and is a prime example of how ancient tales are still being used to shape culture even in modern times.
It is truly amazing.
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Re: The Hobbit: Smaug/Fafnir
Post # 12
Smaug is a dragon that took the Misty Mountains Cold from the dwarfs.
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