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Post # 1
I am a beginner I started two days ago but I'm on the basics and as my first basic I chose meditation, I got used to it and the positions.
And I just had to post this after my result with binaural beats on YouTube,
A recommendation for anyone who is like me and is doing this but finds a bit of trouble keeping focused (we are beginners after all) binaural beats are amazing.

My results were great I got one that lasts for one hour and I did ten minutes of it every consecutive hour the results the next morning were to die for.

Mediation positions (just names)
The Burmese Position. This is the simplest position in which the legs are crossed with both knees resting flat on the floor. One ankle is in front of the other, not over.
The Half Lotus Position (Hankafuza). This is done by placing the left foot onto the right thigh and tucking the right leg under your left thigh.
The Full Lotus Position (Kekkafuza). This is by far the most stable of all positions. It is done by placing each foot onto the opposite thigh. This might be slightly painful at first but keep trying and the muscles in your legs will loosen up. It is not recommended, however, if you have chronic knee pain.
The Kneeling Position (Seiza). Kneel with your hips resting on your ankles.
The Chair Position. It's perfectly fine to sit on a chair but it's essential that you keep your back straight.
The Standing Position. This is helpful position, practiced in Korea and China, for people who cannot sit for long periods of time. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Your heels should be slightly closer together than your big toes. Lay your hands over your belly, right hand over left. Do not lock your knees.

I got this off
I hope this helped
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Re: Meditation
Post # 2
Thank you for posting this for all to see. This will help any newcomer or one who is looking for meditation techniques. Thank you for also posting the source as I have been noticing posts that are plagiarising works.

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