Weight Loss Spell

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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 4
Weight gain or trouble losing weight when you're doing everything you can also be due to medical reason. Thyroid, PCOD, high prolactin levels (when you're not not pregnant) are common causes. I suggest you visit a doctor and run a couple of tests. If there is a problem, it can be corrected with medication and the guidance of nutritionist. And if you do as prescribed there is little chance that you wont lose weight.

Also the less than 500 calories a day diet is perhaps one of the reasons why your weight wont budge. The human body needs 1000 to 1200 calories minimum. When you don't eat, the body clings to the fat. At first you may drop a couple of pounds. But that will be water loss not fat loss.

Here's a little extra help. It's not a spell. And it will not work if you dont do what's prescribed. Anyway, here goes...

Flip through magazines and newspapers. Pick the image of someone's body that you wish you had and cut it out. Now, cut an image of your own face and paste it on the face of the image that you cut out from the magazine. Put this image (your face on your desired body) up on the mirror of your dresser or just keep it in you line of vision. Look at it everyday, as many times as you like. And each time you look at it, believe that you are getting closer to your goal. And oh, please pick a body that's realistic.

Good luck
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 5
You need a healthy diet and a cardio exercise program. Starving yourself isn't the answer it will just make you miserable and sick. Your doctor should be able to provide you with dietary/ exercise advice. It's easier to stick to a diet/ exercise regime if you have support so get encouragement from family/ friends. Stay positive, deciding to get yourself fit is the first battle. Good luck X
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 6
there's a few things you can and should do coupled with a spell. i posted a spell


it doesn't make you wake up 10 pounds lighter, it helps you avoid unhealthy foods. be sure you're not starving yourself, your body will store fat. also, i hope you're not obsessed with body image, and just want to get to a healthy weight.

first, you should go to your doctor for a physical and ask the doctor for their help, be it a diet plan, or check to see if it's a thyroid problem or whatever. after that, start eating healthy foods, but you'll need to jump start your metabolism, you should eat 5 small meals a day, have cereal or something similar for breakfast. a granola bar or fruit or something small like that at your first recess. lunch should be your larger meal since you're at the middle of your day, but a sandwich, fruit, yogurt and juice would be fine. a snack at last recess [again, carrot sticks or something] finally dinner should be something light, say a small chicken breast, or fish, with whole grain rice, and vegetables. try not to snack before bed. personally, i avoid eating 3 hours before bed.

second on your list, most importantly, is exercise. you should try to get at least 60 minutes of exercise, if you still have recess [i think you do anyway] try and get your friends to play soccer, or jump rope, or something where you're moving for the whole break. involving your friends will help you exercise, but have fun doing it. try joining a sport, or see if your local gym/pool has a family hour where you can go in and work out for a couple dollars with your family. failing all that, you could try exercising while watching tv at your house; jog on the spot, crunches, push-ups, jumping jacks, and so on. be sure to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 7

NekoShema explained it perfectly.

It is true that the spell cannot change the DNA which affects the physical appearance. Now then, I would like to explain how this works spiritually in order to be educative. :)
It can motivate you to work hard and achieve your own weight loss by your own self. However, again, this is not a quick fix or something like that. Spells are not miracles at all, same about weight loss spells. If you cast one, it can motivate you to work hard and thus achieve weight loss during a specific period of time by working out and achieving it by yourself, without any miracle or even something close to it.

Weight loss spells, mantras, chants and the like are all good self motivators for you to achieve your goal. They in themselves will notnot magically make you thinner overnight ( as i already told you) , but they may enable you to eat one less spoon of that pound cake that your mom made. They in themselves will not instantly transform you the next day (as many people in this community think and believe) to two dress sizes lower, but they may remind you to take an extra glass of water before the meal starts. They will not make you into the prince charming after a day, but they may add to your confidence. Weight loss spells, and others like that aren't shams in itself but perhaps a reminder that allows you to be the better person you can always become. These spells are self motivating guides, constant reminders that we tell ourselves to achieve what we want to happen. People might get disappointed and think that its not what they thought it was, weight loss spells may not be considered really as a weight loss method but it does have a great influence on how we think. And oftentimes, the effectiveness of any diet program will start and stem out from our motivation, our state of mind. Hope I made my point.

Beyond that - I recommend exercising after being highly motivated, and of course that you should get some specified accurate medical tips.

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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 8

You can not use a spell to mka eoyu loose/put on weight its impossible the only wway your going to do it either decides and what you eat and if you exercise alot.

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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 9
I am 5ft 2 I was 170lbs last January and I did this spell by June I was 140lbs now a whole year later I'm somewhere between 130-135.
This spell is more a way to reprogram your brain and get you going in the right direction.
But like everyone else has said the weight doesn't just magically drop away after a chant, it takes time and you have to do some kind of work to get to your goal. Me I did alot of horseback riding, braking out horses, hiking, camping I just stayed active really.

Any way the spell:
Tools: Paper and a pen
Take the paper draw a figure of how you would like to look, or just write your goal weight on the paper, I'd make up a few of these and put them somewhere you would see them everyday. ON THE FRIDGE, on your dresser, anywhere ya want.

Like I said it's not really a "spell" but it helped me hugely with my weight loss.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 10
My my, I've done everything wrong, haven't I?
I've been starving myself lately, but it's no big deal now, I'm used to it.
I see I've been doing things wrong.
I have a question.
If you want to shift into an animal - let's say a panther - how would a chant motivate you?
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 11

KinkajouS, you also cannot shift into an animal in our world, it is simply not possible, no matter how much motivation you may have. I would recommend looking into astral work, you may find what you are looking for there.

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Re: Weight Loss Spell
By: / Novice
Post # 12
well your negativity and condescending attitude doesn't help KinkajouS. [also, this post was long dead, thanks for the revival]

for some people mantra's and 'happy thoughts' can help. they can motivate you, say a chant while working out, and you might find yourself working out for longer [mind over matter] repeating a phrase when entering the kitchen can also help you avoid extra snacking.

the spell i posted is a weight loss aid [note the key word of 'aid'] this is not something you can cast and suddenly look like a model. this isn't a spell you cast and the pounds melt away no effort required. what it does is motivate, you reflect on all the reasons why you want to loose the weight, you focus all your negative energy into the crystal, and say the chant as a type of mantra, so that when you feel like having a second helping of food, supersizing those fries, skipping the gym, or not going that extra 5 minutes, you can hold the crystal and reflect on why you want this, you can repeat the mantra and feel the confidence to push yourself. [and from personal experience i've felt physically unwell after eating junk food. is it the spell? is it imagination? can't say for certain, it works for me and that's all that matters]

would this weight loss aid work for you? [see also mantra's, affirmations, or other 'happy thoughts' woo-woo new agie type stuff] probably not because you won't mentally allow them to work. this is another thing i know from experience. i believed the aid would work because i believe in spells. for many years however i did not believe in things like affirmations [in fact i still chuckle when i read about this stuff] while looking in a mirror and saying something like 'you are awesome' is great for some [and does work for them] for people who laugh it off, roll their eyes, or goes 'this is stupid' it will never work for because we do not allow our minds to be open to it. this isn't magick [i mean, you could incorporate it if you wanted to] it's psychology, there's many studies on the power of suggestion, but you have to be willing to open up and really try.

now regarding that panther shift line, i'm assuming that's sarcasm but if you're serious no you cannot. you cannot create a physical change, especially if it's unnatural. as stated weight loss spells that motivate work because it's giving you that extra push to help you, not making you thin/fat within seconds.
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Re: Weight Loss Spell
Post # 13
Personally I think 114 pounds is a perfect weight for a woman who is 5 feet tall. You don't want to develop malnutrition! Also your mmagic will be stronger if you're healthy. I'm pretty new but I noticed that eating right boosts my mood, energy, and power.
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