Third Eye

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Third Eye
Post # 1
Can somebody help me open my third eye? I have tried many techniques from the Internet but none of them work:( please if u have a technique that u know works state it and excpecially if it is simple and doesn't require meditation for a whole hour (yes I tried that before xD) last I am trying to open it very soon so if u know a technique that is very fast (within a day to learn even better if just a few minutes) again please state it tho this might not be possible :) thank u for reading this
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Re: Third Eye
By: / Novice
Post # 2
you should start from your root and work your way up. working under the assumption you have though...

there are herbs, incense, and crystals that have properties to help stimulate to your third eye [clairvoyance] . try to have a psychic tea before balancing that chakra. there's a good one i found on the site:

normally i leave the yarrow out, or if i put it in, i inhale the scent, and don't actually drink it. for stones, i personally use either moonstone, clear quartz or tigers eye. you could hold the stone, or [if lying down] place it over the third eye chakra. a helpful article for me was this one:

it should help you balancing your chakra's. don't get discouraged though, relax and take your time.
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Re: Third Eye
Post # 3
Ok I have a tigers eye necklace that I were should I just hold up to my third eye and imagine it's energy flowing into it?
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Re: Third Eye
By: / Novice
Post # 4
you could. i normally hold it unless i'm having trouble focusing. in that case i'd place it over the chakra point. wearing it should be enough, you should feel its energy effecting you during the meditation. not sure if wearing it close to the third eye [or possibly heart depending on the chains length] would effect the stone, but experiment with it, see if it makes a difference over your third eye, in your hands, or around your neck.
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