Time spell works?

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Re: Time spell works?
Post # 11
Time spells do not work.

Re: Time spell works?
Post # 12
FireMasterL1, humans didn't create time. We gave numbers to time. Time is natural and exist in nature. If humans created time then we can change it which we can not! Put it this way: It takes time for space to expand, it takes time for the Earth to go around the Sun, it takes time for asteriods to go through our solar system. All these have been happening before humans existed. Overall, time spells are pure fantasy. They only exist in fiction movies. If we could where is the proof and records? There are none since it is not possible!

Re: Time spell works?
Post # 13
I does not mean that i want to create slow time or fast time. Can i travel through dimensions? There are many dimensions.

Re: Time spell works?
Post # 14
Look you can't change the past but instead try and change your future. If you made a mistake take the steps to make sure you don't repeat it and that you have made amends for it. It's best not to dwel on your past mistakes and if you truly believe your enemy is using some sort of telekenisis on you than put up a psychic or protective barrier around you. I'm pretty sure the site has protective spells so check that out if its truly worrying you. Though the others are right, you can't time travel but keep a positive attitude and let the past remain in the past.

Best of Luck
God bless and Blessed be~!

Re: Time spell works?
Post # 15
you want evidence ? There were lot of people who could do this...
Now im sure you will ask then why don't i know of them. Let me tell you why. Around the world there lot of people who kills psychics and true mage's. Why? Because of 2 reasons.
1. They know that those psionics are powerful and they think that only Gods Can have this Kind power...
So now those who poses this power tend to not be known by the world...

Re: Time spell works?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 16

It is not possible, end of discussion.

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