merry meet

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merry meet
Post # 1
Hi I am new and in need of help casting spells any info of what to get for my alter and need some tips in meditation :-D
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Re: merry meet
By: / Novice
Post # 2

those are a couple articles/forums that might help you, you should also look into picking up a book or two [if you're allowed] to help you learn further. i provided a link about meditation, if it doesn't work, just click on articles, you'll see a link to it.

an ALTER is a table where you cast your spells and preform your rituals, it can be anything really. personally, i use my coffee table, or my filing cabinet depending on the room i'm in. you don't really need anything, maybe the alter candles. everything for an alter though would be

1 spirit candle
1 white candle [Goddess candle]
1 black or dark blue/purple candle [God candle]
1 incense burner and incense
Athame [black handled knife for cutting/directing energy]
Bolline [white handled blade for cutting herbs]
Book of Shadows [for your rituals/spells]
1 God and 1 Goddess statue [can be substituted with the candles]
offering dish
salt water [two bowls, one with salt the other with water, pour the salt into the water as part of most rituals]
mortar and pistol [for grinding herbs]
wand [directing energy]
Pentacle disk [normally to rest the bell on]
alter cloth [changes with the season/ritual]
decorations coinciding with the ritual/season [berries, herbs, fruit, branches, antlers, fish, rocks, stones, flowers, plants, animals]

like i said though, it's really up to you what you choose for your alter. if i was to make a suggestion i'd get a bunch of candles and your Athame or wand. your wand can be easily made, find a tree you either like or has a certain spiritual energy that will work with your wand. ask if you could take a branch for your wand, then meditate under the tree for an answer. if it's a 'yes' be sure to leave an offering as thanks. you could use a branch that's on the ground, but it might not have the same energy. your Athame will be something you're drawn to, so it might take you a bit longer. until you get the wand or Athame, you can just use your index finger on your dominant hand.

SPELL CASTING, you really shouldn't cast for a while. i didn't cast my first spell until six months into my year and a day. you need to become comfortable with meditation and energy work. you need to know how to focus and charge energy for a spell to be successful. once you feel ready to cast, start with a simple candle spell. you take a candle of the corresponding colour [white = peace yellow = friendship] meditate holding the candle, feel/visualize the energy entering your body, traveling down your arms and pooling in the candle. when you feel enough energy is in the candle, place it on your alter and light it. watch the candle burn out, visualizing your desired outcome. if you wish to not wait until the candles burned out, snuff out [pinch the wick with you fingers or use a snuffer] the candle, don't blow it out, as you will blow away some of the magic.

MEDITATION, as i said i posted a link for that so i won't go into much detail here, is different for everyone, so take your time and experiment to see what works best for you. some people sit in a chair, on the floor, on a pillow, or lie down. [careful not to fall asleep] they can do it in silence, with incense burning, music playing, holding a crystal, or listening to soothing sounds. it really comes down to what works best for you. personally i need utter silence, or my mind will focus on the sound, i also like sitting on my bed with my back against the iron bars. my friend on the other hand cannot stand meditating on his bed and insists he's in his desk chair. another friend can't meditate if she's comfortable, so she needs to be slightly uncomfortable, otherwise she falls asleep.

with this all being said, is their a particular branch of Paganism you're interested in, or just spell casting? have you read any beginners books or articles? is there a certain type of magic that interests you? Blessed Be.
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