How do i medatate?

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How do i medatate?
Post # 1
I am very interested in finding out how to meditate, and find my element. Can anyone help???
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Re: How do i medatate?
Post # 2
I can help you meditate:)
I start by drinking my favourite tea (you dont have to) then I aquire a nice quiet spot to sit in and I focus on nothing but light (with your eyes closed)
Imagine the light morphing and transforming into shapes and patterns then once you lose the image start on a new one until you snap out,of it.
TIPS: If your element us air, sit near and open window or fan
Fire- light a candle
Water sit a bowl of water near you or sit near a stream
Earth- try holding a crystal or stone (a rock will do too)
Spirit- an open space with combined elements
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Re: How do i medatate?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
there are many different ways to meditate, no one way is correct, so experiment and see what works best for you.

basically, you need to sit comfortable, close your eyes, and try to quiet your mind. to do this you can focus on your breathing, think of one word like 'om' 'one' 'peace' 'love' whatever you fancy, just focus on that one thing. don't get discouraged if while trying to clear your mind random thoughts pop in, just focus on that one thing [say the light shape, or your breathes] and ignore the other thought, it will slowly fade away.

there are also people who meditate lying down, listen to music, have incense burning, drink calming tea's, don't eat/drink a few hours before meditating, as i said there's so many different methods. start with the basic one of sitting in a quiet room and focusing on counting your breath 'breath in, breath out' sort of thing. the next day [or week because it'll take time to meditate successfully] try something else.

for your element, people usually have two, of course you can learn the others as well, you're just going to have an easier time with those two. the first is the element your born under, so whatever your zodiac sign is will determine your birth element. the second is the one you feel drawn too. this one might be easy for you, think of the element you feel drawn to, what you feel stronger or safer with?
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Re: How do i medatate?
Post # 4
thank you i will try this:)
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Re: How do i medatate?
Post # 5
thanks, ill be sure to try this
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