fairy magic help

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fairy magic help
Post # 1
i practice fairy magic but dont work any tips
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Re: fairy magic help
By: / Novice
Post # 2
A. how new are you B. what have you done so far?

while i don't work with faerie magic, i do know people who do and i have dealt with them in the past, there are some books on the subject you should pick up. as well http://whisperingworlds.com/fairies/fairies.php this is a site i frequent, and this is their faerie section, hope it helps.

what you should do is plant a garden with sweet smelling flowers, ones that attract butterflies and hummingbirds typically attract faeries.

also, don't expect a physical faerie to appear, they're astral/spiritual so you might see an orb, but not an actual physical faerie. leave out sweets, candies, honey, milk and so on as offering to them. working with faeries, i'd do my circles in the garden. if it's too cold, it can be done inside, and in either case, call upon the faeries to join you in your circle.

hope that helped out a little, next time i see my friend i'll ask her for a couple book references for you if you'd like.
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