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Re: Afterlife
Post # 8
I believe in a spiritual world we go to after we die where we wait in inner peace until WE choose to be reincarnated.
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 9
I also see some truh in what hecate0987 said. To some extent, we see what we think we will see in the spirit world, that is why I choose not to believe in Hell.
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 10

We are our deeds. In the end what we do will reflect our life after we move on into the next world. Don't think about it now. Just be a good person. Be virtuous. That's just common sense :)

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Re: Afterlife
Post # 11
I think like said above that we make our own afterlife at lest until we are ready to join the rest. Then we will be reborn into something so we can learn again.
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 12
When u die, you will turn into a ghost and carry no memories absolutly no memories when you are alive and you will have to find the light and step into it that light takes you to heaven
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 13

Let me share my statement.

To say it shortly, there is a source of energy that exists within an organism (person) giving it/them life the absence of this energy causes death. This life giving energy is referred to as a soul or spirit.
It is suggested that a body can continue to exist with the use of technology but in the absence of a soul it cannot be alive. A soul is believed to exist as a shroud of pure conscious energy that is beyond physical containment or measurement. It is perceived to exist within a sphere that is beyond the purview of scientific knowledge.While a person is alive they use their brain to sense the physical world around them. When they die the functions of the brain are taken over by their immortal consciousness; the soul. The soul can leave the body while the brain shuts down from lack of oxygen. Your soul will always keep existing.

After saying that the soul keeps living, that's already another thing to tell what happens to it. Some believe in reincarnation, some believe in heaven and hell,etc.

Some associate the soul's keeping of existence with the astral and I actually go with that idea (which is basically just a theory).
I look at the astral planes in resemblance to the progression of the Tree of Life. I will now explain why. The planes themselves, which are basically believed to be the place where the more spiritual and energetic beings go to are existed in the astral.
The higher planes can be drawn parallel to Kether, perfection or the most abstract and least dense form of existence. Kether is eternal, it can be represented by the Universe rather than any one planet for its planetary symbol.
The lower planes then resemble one getting closer to Malkuth, the most complete form of material existence, it is at the bottom and represents the most dense form life can manage. This can be seen as hell for its materialistic tendencies or representing indulgence instead of abstinence.

I hope it gives some input ;)

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Re: Afterlife
Post # 14
The Afterlife is what you dream of when you think of what its going to be. essentially its what you make it. and its also an opinion so there is no exact or correct answer (:
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 15
In my opinion life and death are merely two aspects of reality, the unchanging Tao. Death is simply a transformation from being to non-being,from yang to yin
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 16
I believe when we die we carry our experiences with us. It is just our body that dies. What happens after that i dont know but someday i will find out
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Re: Afterlife
Post # 17
My personal belief is that i will die and be reborn when i chose to in order to grow and understand why i am where i am. Once i am able to learn the lesson i was trying to achieve i will be able to ascend & join my deities and then if i chose to come back it'll be to help others reach their goals.
I don't believe in a 'heaven' or 'hell' and neither do i believe that your actions will affect you not in the afterlife anyway, (but they will in future lifes, ass karmic debt) bc i believe you are able to reach a higher spirituality altho in some cases it might take longer.
I know, sounds complicated & like a mix of a bunch of things but i somehow came to believe in this. Lol
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