"Morning Sickness" HELP!

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Re: "Morning Sickness" HELP!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
try peppermint...i used to keep a bag of peppermint candies by the bed, some in my purse, a few in all my pockets as i too had the morning, afternoon, evening, and night sickness with my son.
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Re: "Morning Sickness" HELP!
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 12

I had morning sickness all day long through all three trimesters of my second pregnancy. The fluctuation of how nauseated I felt came and went being strong at times to can't sit up or lay down because both cause the nausea to be worse and you are so tired you can't stand. As the pregnancy progressed I had to find ways to meet the babies nutrition requirements with the small amount of food I could eat. This meant eating all day or snacking on any nutrition I could. I had to take different supplements as well for calcium, iron, and other vitamins.

Not knowing the specifics of your blood work but knowing what they normally check during the first trimester, they probably have not checked your blood sugar/insulin levels unless you had existing issues. Also you may have become anemic due to the diet you stated above during the first trimester. Anemia can cause one to feel even more nauseated then they normally do. I trust you are taking your prenatal vitamins that have some iron but you may need more. Not Knowing your actual blood test results and which ones they have done; this is the best I can suggest.

First keep your stress levels down. Meditate as much as you can. Eat the BRAT diet; things that are like bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast. Add a little butter if you can tolerate on your toast. Then perhaps try peanut butter so long as there is not allergy. Expand on with other healthy items as you can. I believe you need to pump up your calcium, protein, iron, and B vitamins. You body is being taxed heavily at this point and you need to get more foods that have essential nutrients but if you can't consume these through food then you need to take supplements for these. You should ask you doctor before starting any medication or supplement during your pregnancy. You should also think about drinking vitamin water or Gatorade depending on your preference. You can water them down with water. I used ice as a way to help get more fluids because the cold drink was easier to get down and stay down as well as sip on throughout the day. There is a risk of dehydration that can also cause more nausea when someone suffers from morning sickness throughout the day.

Remember if you are/were not getting all you and the baby needed nutrition wise then more issues can arise and during the second trimester where the baby needs more nutrients as well as you. You may have to play catch up and that is never fun when you are already taxed.

I hope that the morning sickness will ease during your second trimester. Many pregnancies do see an end and it sounds like you may be already progressing there. Some refer to the second trimester as the foodmester. It is the one where typically the sickness goes away and you crave certain foods. The worst things about pregnancy is the changes and stress it causes both in mind and body and how no two pregnancies are the same. They very from person to person and within the pregnancies of a mother whom has had more than one pregnancy.

Blessings for a healthy baby and mother. : )

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