Beginner Summoning Spells

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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 12
Yea, I'm a newbie just signed up I was hoping to get down some basic summoning :-) -NightBelize
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 13
That, is a very, very bad idea......... Demons aren't toys, they're powerful, and most likely, they'll see you as a pest... I would not advise it. If you do, I highly suggest you learn excerocisms, banishing magicks, and trapping magic, to couple with the two.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 14
Hello to you all

I'm new on summoning spells. Can one of you tell me is you summon someting what do you need te do if the summoned one has come to you? Yesterday I have for my first time made a summoning spell for an animal, but what do you do next? With real animals you have to feed them, must i also feed a summoned animal?

Meery meet
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 15
Syrax, you are not ready if you have such questions. Study and preparation will answer those curiosities.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 16
That was not what i hoped for, but thanks eneway
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 17
Something close to an answer, then:

Summoning is nothing more than calling a spirit. Some people may demand, but this is considered disrespectful, and some say it may anger the spirit. Make sure you don't anger something strong enough to harm you.

Begin preparations well in advance.

Always use a protected area.

Always use a cleansed area.

Set up for your work.

Have a purpose for calling.

Call. If the spirit comes, accomplish your purpose with the spirit.

Thank and release.

Cleanse and banish.

As far as feeding a spirit, some people may use offerings in their practice.

You'll need to alter your state of consciousness enough to 'sense' the entity. You may want a divination tool for communication.

Don't expect to literally see or hear the entity. This is at least partly why you may need divination tools.

You may prefer scrying in water or a black mirror. But still have pendulum, tarot, or some other form of divination at hand. The specifics of why are taught in ritual systems of calling spirits.

Learning this is a years-long process, typically. Some people may rush into it without bad results. But believe me: They don't go in completely blind.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 18
Thanks for the answer's you have giving me. I do repect in what i'm doing. But if in the first place my qoutes get backfired i though so i will never get a axpleneion? Sorry for my bad englisch writing, but some words are not yet good. XD

Eneway Thanks for the answer's, but they are not many sites that say axplane what to do of someone summon someting. If it is a spirit or demon. Not that i want a house ghost! No thank you.All i wanted to do was asking for some protection for my mom. She was bewitched by a ather witch. My first spell i learn in a book. I'm still learning and i am 32. So many things there are in magic. But my house is every full moon clearn.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 19
There is plenty you can do which do not require the assistance of any spirit.

There are many ways for shielding, banishing, cleansing (in the non-physical sense), uncrossing and more.

If you do choose to use the assistance of a spirit, you're always better off calling to a specific entity, in stead of basically accessing the supernatural then screaming, "Is there a spirit in the area?" You wouldn't know what responds. Getting to know whom to call also will take time, research, and practice.

There's a reason you aren't finding a lot of information: A lot of people want to play around. Also most systems to call or summon do have a long time training before getting to that point, so it's left with books.
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Re: Beginner Summoning Spells
Post # 20
I know some spells, but they worn off after a day or 7. I came here by searching for more powerfull spells. I want only to help athers, not hurting. You are giving me more answer's as all the times i have been seeking on the net. Spirits are not realy what i wanted to summon. I have readed that those things are dangerus. So i have fond a familar spell. It looks more harmless, but by some spells and by some summoning spells there are no real explanetions. That woud be more helpfull? But is someone call opon a familiar? Woud that be more the same as summoning a spirit?
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