Magick and Science

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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 3
Agreed. This is a very good post. There are many people that believe that if they believe anything is possible with magic (if this is you Im just saying my personel opinion) but this just isnt the case. Belief is like a limiter to what you are doing. If you dont believe you wont release as much energy so the spell most likely wont work. But you still cant summon meteors from the sky if you believe. That is unfortunately beyond the limits of human capability.
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Re: Magick and Science
By: / Beginner
Post # 4
True true. It is just one of the few things I dislike about the site and hopefully people that are under that kind of thought will change. Until than all I could do is make a post.
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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 5
Everything helps :).
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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 6
Yes, Science is mostly needed in magick. Most of the laws are applied in Magick from physics like law of attraction, Newton's third law of motion and many more. Science deals with theories, observations and practical anyalsis as well in Magick the same things are applied.
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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 7
I generally disagree that magic is a science. Science is typically defined as what's using the scientific method in experimentation. Also, in order for it to be considered science, the outcome of experimentation must be recorded for others perform and get the exact same outcome. Magic is not at all like this as it does not use clinical experimentation of the scientific method, nor are any findings guaranteed to have the same outcomes as recorded. This being said knowing that science is used to find fact and not belief.

However, I do agree scientific fact should be kept in consideration when practicing or studying magic. I think it's a given because the general idea is that magic does not work outside natural law.
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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 8
Magick and science goes hand to hand. You cannot defy the laws of science or the laws of nature. It's energy manipulation, so in a sense yes it is a science.

Balanced blessings

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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 9
Relying on science doesn't make something a science. lol
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Re: Magick and Science
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
What makes science science isn't math or letting it happen. It is us humans defining what makes what happens in what order so we can predict the outcome.

It is understanding that is science.
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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 11

Totally agree, great post!

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Re: Magick and Science
Post # 12
Good post Nash! You summed up a very serious issue that is prevalent here on this site.
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