What spells are popular

CovenSpell Casters ► What spells are popular

Re: What spells are popular
Post # 11
"You only have to beleive it will work and put your power and energy into making it work."

That is most certainly not true. Please refer my my post in this thread;
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 12
I also said in my post that making your own spells work 'Beyond Reason' I used shapeshifting as an example. But most of the time, from experience, homemade spells really do work. The spells I have made have rarely failed me, and with practce and honing your craft, im sure that anyone can.
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 13
I never said you could not or should not write your own spells, I said that your belief in them is irrelevant so far as your doubt provides no distraction.
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 14
How is this irrelivent? I told the thread starter that most of the popular spells on this site are for things that could never happen, such as changing your physical form or bringing sombody back to life. I said that instead of looking for spells on the site that people say work, you could make your own instead, then you wouldnt waste your time on ridiculous spells and rituals. It was only a suggestion.
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 15
"How is this irrelivent?"

I'm not sure what "this," is, but I said that one's belief is irrelevant, and I said it because you stated that "you only have to beleive it will work and put your power and energy into making it work" and, as I explained in the thread I linked to, whether or not you believe it will work does not matter.
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 16
OH! I thought you were saying my statment in general was irrelivant to this topic XD. Sorry about the confusion....
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 17
"From what ive seen, the most popular spells are 'Become a Mermaid' 'Become a vamprie' which you can actually do.

Yes, they are rather popular among the younger and inexperienced members of the site. However, spells to turn you into something other than human, change gender, control weather, control the elements, etc. Do not, I repeat, do not work. That's why Pet put them under the Fantasy section. If anyone tells you that they do work, then they are most definitely being untruthful.

"I would say that most spiritual spells are legit. You could even make your own spell. You only have to beleive it will work and put your power and energy into making it work."

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "spiritual" However, not all spells work, and this can be the result of a few different things. You could either be lacking in the knowledge of your basics or be trying to accomplish something impossible. In either case spells tend not to work. As previously said, simple belief will not work. You need to study and practice your basics before you can achieve success in spell casting.

Yes, the best thing to do is write and cast your own spells. Doing so increases the chance of their success.

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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 18
Spiritual as in the spiritual spell section on the site. Protection spells, peace spells, energy spells, dream spells, ect.
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Re: What spells are popular
Post # 19
Just remember that even if those are very legitimate types of spells, still not every spell written will work. Banishing is very real but I can still write up a ritual so bad it doesn't do anything.

And it's totally cool with the mix up earlier. Miscommunications is unfortunate and annoying, but perfectly normal.
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