Demons and Summoning

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Re: Demons and Summoning
By: / Beginner
Post # 79
What sort of offerings do demons normally want you to give for them to give you what you want?
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 80
Souls, animals or sometime old jewelry. But you can give it something else other than that. Something both of you can agree on
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 81
Ive tried summoning and did my own spell and i can dare say it kinda worked coz ive seen some after effect of the spell. Changing the shape of my irises in a brief period of time. Though right now i think its claiming my left eye. Can someone enlighten me what's happening. Thanks
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 82
Evocation/summoning a spirit isn't going to change the shape of your iris.
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 83
Oh,this is what I want to explain to many people from a long time that demons aren't so bad as they think.
As a spiritual satanist I can say that demons are good to me and angels are bad.
However I don't judge other beliefs until they don't insult mine.
A demon can be bad only if you insult him,you haven't respect for him etc.

I don't like the idea of "summoning".I hold the ideas of invocation and evocation.

In my opinion demons don't attack people,angels do it.

Is possible to be attacked by a demon only if you did something bad like insult him etc.

Why be careful ? As I said demons aren't so bad and many of them (like Vassago for example) are very friendly.
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 84
i have one question, i don't know if someone asked about it yet(didn't read all posts XD). so my question is : is is bad if i summon demons,bad spirits ect... only to eat their soul??
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 85
I find that demons were actually once a human soul itself who was tormented &tortured in hell for the ones who did evil things breaking the universe laws other than karmic laws,which the universe remembers.There can be many reasons for a human soul to become demon,well it's a fact that without satanic power one can't become one.IT depends on person's will power & intention for becoming a powerful demon during tormenting period.but the ones not worthy are just locked up in till the judgement time.there are few demons who were ones a good person who would help his/her friend when was alive but was disliked much more by others & due to that,LOST FAITH IN GOD, those kind of people becomes demon.those who gain knowledge while being tormented and thinks with their full consciousness&remembers their past lives about being bullied,rough words of others &wanting to have power continuously since they are not satisfied,that's where they transform into demon with the powers they wanted & while being summoned if they find some reason or logic & your eager desire they will be willing to help since they knows the importance of desires while being tormented but those kind of thing depends on demon's nature for asking something in return.
SORRY,for making it quite big.^-^
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 86
There are different demons. See for example hinduism.

Asuras - giant demons, lords of the underworld.
Rakshasas - night demons
Nagas - serpent demons
Rauravas - hell demons
and maybe some others. By only Rauravas are from hell.

Not all of demons are strictly bad. But there is the fact they are mostly very dangerous.
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 87
"demons" are all around us. You really (in my opinion) do not have to "summon" or invoke them. If you could see what I see, then you would know that your intention by itself will attract what you want because who ever aids you has something to gain from your intention. I am very new here and I am sorry for bumping in so rudely. I am a visual person. I don't know if I am a "witch". But I can say that everyone no matter where they are at this precise moment is surrounded by all types of beings and they are drawn to you by your intentions and thoughts.
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Re: Demons and Summoning
Post # 88
Abilityx3 have you seen a real demon?i'm just curious,so if 'yes',then please tell us your story, since from all my research i've only found that they are in different realm & the pentagram or the circle is actually a portal.
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