Magic Staffs

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Magic Staffs
Post # 1
ummm..... i dont want people to thing im helpless but i wanna learn about staffs do you need a certant piece of wood, or how can it be used properly without exposing magic or causeing harm or how much power they hold, and where i can put it.
is there a spell for staffs to?
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Re: Magic Staffs
Post # 2
A magick staff is a tool no different from a pentacle or an athame. While you certainly could put some sort of charm on it, most of us just cleanse, consecrate, and let it empower over time. Your tools will develop a charge all their own after enough use.

You'll also find that there are no hard and fast answers to things like "what kind of wood should it be?," or "how long should I make it?" Some traditions suggest or insist upon a certain type of wood. Many practitioners choose the wood based on appropriate correspondence. Others "let the wood find them," waiting until they happen upon some piece of wood in nature (like a branch washed up on shore) and feel particularly inspired by it.

The staff is sort of like a big wand (much like how a sword is sort of just a big athame/dagger) and is therefore generally associated with the God, masculinity, fire, and the Sun. Also frequently denotes importance or nobility like a God, king, or priest.

A staff is also like a sword in that it's not a tool that is at all necessary or even very practical for a beginner.
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