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Post # 1
umm can magic be in your blood? like if your family does magic, then can there be a good change that you can do magic better?
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Re: magic?
Post # 2
If you believe magic is something you practice, then of course you'd have an advantage in a magical family because they would have taught you the practice of magic (I can imagine saying "Okay, it's 9:30 kids... don't forget to brush teeth and banish before bed.") Kind of like how a family of musicians will produce better musicians because they're expected to know music at a very young age and keep practicing as they grow up.

If you're asking if it's something genetic (like, in your blood instead of in your family's tradition, religion, or culture,) then your parents may or may not practice magic as long as they have the genetic potential to pass on to you, but it's up to you if you can work that potential and do magic better.

Some would say, though, that magic is too subtle a force to be tied to the workings of the physical world, so magical abilities are like a gift from god or otherwise come from your spirit rather than your blood-- for example if you were a magic practitioner in a past life, and want to continue the study, you would pick a situation where your abilities will blossom... what better situation than a family of believers, maybe a parent or sibling shared a coven with you in a past life too. Unless, you'd learn more about life in general if you were born to a family that discourages magic, so only later the higher-ups send an event that draws you to continue magic study. Or, if you were adept and want to do some good with it, and see that this skill would do the most good in an environment that doesn't have much of it, then you could be reincarnated as a very powerful psychic in a family or culture that is very ordinary.
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Re: magic?
Post # 3
well i do know that my dad does do magic (summoning)
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