Eliminate arguments

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Eliminate arguments
Post # 1
Hey there i'm new to witch craft and i'm looking for any great spells or friends that can help me out with eliminating arguments and fights in the home. I believe that our family is cursed and my mum and i constantly argue even though i do try very hard not too. I'd appreciate any help with this as im not in a position to move house. Thankyou. :-)
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Re: Eliminate arguments
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
ay dios mio chica! im having the exact same problems...my mom always target me eveyday we are going at it and shes never satisfied with me...i think she have something negative around her...
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Re: Eliminate arguments
Post # 3
It cud be what they call dimonik over lod
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Re: Eliminate arguments
Post # 4
A demonic over lord wouldn't bother with something so minor as one family's arguments. I can think of a few things it could be;

Malicious spirits Nothing big, but rather a minor malicious entity that, for one reason or another, enjoys discord. Sometimes they are little vampiric spirits that are feeding off of the negative energy released by you (and presumably your family). A good cleansing or banishing should fix this.

Terrible feng shui The feng shui of a building really influences the quality of energy within. We are constantly exchanging energy with our surroundings, so if the energy in your home is sick and unhealthy you will end up sick and unhealthy yourself. I've personally experienced band feng shui which caused discord and arguing so I'm very aware that it is a possibility.

There are some bad things in the North this year (year will end with the Chinese new year in 2013), so some easy fixes are to face north as little as possible (don't have the head of your bed facing it), and as the North is being fueled by elemental Wood you should do your best to keep wood out of the Northern-most room of your house and you should keep fiery things in there to drain the remaining wood (candles are obvious, but bright lights and open windows help as well). You should also try putting Earthy things in the middle of your home.

... Maybe you just don't get along There's not always a magical explanation. People naturally change and go through different periods in their lives. It could just be that the folks in your household have changed and become people who don't get along so well. I've watched it happen between myself and old friends, I've watched it happen between my father and his best friend growing up, and I'm actually in the process of watching it happen between my mother and my little brother. It's sad, but that's just the way things go sometimes.

If you have questions just let me know, for I certainly hope that I can be of help in this.
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