Christans hate Witchcraft

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Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 31
You're not going to hell, some Christians just like to hate. Besides, Collosians 1:16 (the verse that talks against witchcraft) was put I. The Bible in the 1600s it was never In the origional thing. You have nothing to worry about, they just discriminate against what they don't understand. Most witches don't even believe in hell or Satan anyway.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 32

"Esoteric Christianity accepts theurgy as a tradition that could benefit one greatly. The main feat of Esoteric Christianity is to learn the mysteries of God, (see Raziel), and rise to higher consciousness and theurgy is, in the esoteric tradition, using this knowledge to heighten one's own spiritual nature. In Esoteric Christianity, theurgy usually is the practice of trying to gain the knowledge and conversation of one's Higher Self, or Inner God, to teach one spiritual truths and wisdom from God that one couldn't learn from man (see Alchemy, Kabbalah, and Theosophy). [citation needed] Theurgy is a tradition, that if an Esoteric Christian, Rosicrucian, or Theosophist practices it, he or she is considered a Magus, or Adept, if one ascends to a degree to attain such a title. In a traditional and magical sense, Theurgy is seen as the opposite of Goetia, even though many argue that they overlap each other. Some organizations, such as The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn claim to teach a type of theurgy that would help one ascend spiritually as well as understand the true nature of the self and its relation to the Divine and the Universe, and has quite a historical following and influence; while it is known that theurgists historically are usually solitary practitioners and seek the divine light alone through ritual and inner spiritual and psychological equilibration."

The Holy Bible and the Christian religion may be against low magick, but I dare you to think of a reason why God would dislike high magick.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 33
I believe a lot of the Bibe is twisted and mis-interpreted. I love Jesus Christ and he loves me. That's all that matters. I don't believe Witchcraft is evil. I believe he blessed me with my gifts that I have.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 34
well im christan and i dont hate witchcraft

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 35

Other religions hate witchcraft too.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 36
I don't believe that just because I, or anyone, starts to try and use spells, meditation, etc. that God would suddenly desert me or anyone, especially since I still believe in Christianity and have always have. He will accept you for you, if you believe in him. at least that's what I believe anyway!

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 37
Christianity isn't a bad thing, it's a good religion but people corrupt it! They say that god says that witches are evil and in league with the devil and they put that in their bible because they don't understand it and begin to fear it. They fear everything that isn't an Abrihamic religion (meaning either pagan religions or satanism.) and they are too strict with their beliefs (like don't eat meat on Friday)
And I saw this on a TV show about Christianity and they said the most STUPID thing I've ever hear, that is that Pokemon is "satanic"!!!! Also the thought of satan and hell is just a way of them getting out of trouble! They invented a being to blame everything bad on.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
By: / Beginner
Post # 38
People tend to be afraid of what they don't understand. Since the Christians faith uses fear, this works perfectly to those who don't know better. Be assured, you will not go to hell, if hell even exists. Just me 2 cents...Blessed Be...

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
Post # 39
Yeeeeaaahhh... They kinda, sorta, do hate us witches and Wiccans. I'm not anti-Christian. In fact, my real name, Kristina, is descended from the word 'Christian'. (My Wiccan name, Celestia, means heavenly. It's kind of related?) Also, I go to a Christian school and church. Admittedly nobody knows I'm a witch, and sometimes I feel it would be nice to talk to someone... Witches were burned once (not now though, thank goodness, or we'd all be dead!) Even medieval healers and just old grannies were burned at the stake for no reason. People should face it - evil witches causing havoc are our business. They meddle, evil wins, they die, evil gets stronger, we start being burnt again, and then who's the supernatural hero that comes bounding in to save their butts? Oops, burnt 'em at the stake, what do we do now? Die. The fact is, we battle, they live, everybody happy. They hate us, they burn us, they die and we all meet up in the afterlife. So, it just depends on what you believe. If you've been a good witch and believe in the whole heaven/hell thing, then chances are, up you go.

Re: Christans hate Witchcraft
By: / Novice
Post # 40
Christianity is actually derived from Paganism. Just because someone says you are going to go to hell and that it is a sin does not make that entirely true.

That is the issue nowadays people don't realize, we aren't all one sole religion. We actually have beliefs of several unless you are a hard core which if you were I wouldn't think you would be here.

If you believe it is a sin then so be it, but its all on what you believe hon.

Yes there is legends and "history" that says practitioners were hunted and killed, but you do not have to worry about that hon. Believe what YOU want not what others want.

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