Lucid dreaming

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Lucid dreaming
Post # 1
I have been trying to lucid dream but with out success can any one help
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Re: Lucid dreaming
Post # 2
Every night before you go to sleep, open your Dream Box and hold your hand over it, say, ''May this Dream Box enhance my dreams while I sleep. May the visions be clear and may I hold them so deep. So mote it be.''

Trust that your Dream Box will bring you good dreams. Set your Dream Box as close to your bed as you can, preferably close to your head. Then, if you want to dream about something specific, simply ask for it. (ie: if you wanted to dream about your friend Sally, simply say, ''Send me a vision of Sally.'')

Your Dream Box can be used every night, or only occasionally. It really doesn't matter. Trust in your Dream Box, and it will give you what you asked for.
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Re: Lucid dreaming
Post # 3
I don't think that this is what they were asking for.

Lucid dreaming is a means by which one can gain insights on a particular matter.

What can Lucid Dreaming be used for?

Lucid Dreaming can help you learn more about yourself, it can help you solve problems, overcome a fear, etc.

How to Lucid Dream:

1. Make sure you are in a comfortable position. (It is best to lie down in your bed with the lights off.) Make sure you will not be disturbed.

2. Calm your mind try to clear it of all thoughts. This may take some time, but with practice it can be achieved easily.

3. Think of a simple statement that pertains to exactly what you want to achieve from your lucid dream. Focus your desire by repeating it in your mind or writing it down on a piece of paper.

4. While in a calm and relaxed state, picture yourself drifting down a river on a boat. Allow yourself to be carried along, don't resist or try to guide the image in anyway. Let it happen naturally.

5. As you drift off into slumber, try to remain aware of what is going on in your dream both visually and verbally. Make mental note of what your seeing. Such as, in your dream if you see a cat say aloud in your dream "I see a cat with orange fur. It has yellow eyes." The more you can detail your experience the better off you will be.

6. While still in a state of slumber take a few moments to collect and go over all information that you have collected from your dream before you completely wake up. Most of those that are experienced with lucid dreaming can choose the exact moment at which they will wake up.

7.When you wake up write down everything that you can remember from your dream. Make notes on how you felt, where you were, the things you saw, did the symbols and signs differ from what you intentionally wanted to dream of, etc. The dream may be telling you something that you originally never thought of.

This is from the Mind, Body, and Spirit Collection. It is a company that ships and produces Pagan friendly products. They sent my cousin a binder that had techniques in it that you could try and the above mentioned was one of them.

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Re: Lucid dreaming
Post # 4
Thanks that is kinda what i meant i also know that in this state you can do things that you normally cant like fly
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