How i became a fairy...

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Re: How i became a fairy...
Post # 31
You just bacicly said your not a wiccan. Any good witch can perform a spell like that! Im not that good and when I casted a spell like that and it worked! It didnt last long though....
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Re: How i became a fairy.
Post # 32
um right a fairy from fairyland, dude you have to stop saying that. im not saying fairies dont exist im just saying that you cant be one. lets just say you really are why would you be using a computer, wouldnt you be in ''fairyland" right now. and there are no spells that can change you into something else. sincerly dark_rulerz
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Re: How i became a fairy...
Post # 33
U people just crushed my dreams :( -.-
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Re: How i became a fairy...
By: / Beginner
Post # 34
sorry linalee and antonae but fairies like the kind you see on T.V. or in fairy tales aren't real. There are faeries though, and they are spirits of nature but you can't turn into one, though you can have one or more living close to you. They can be pesky though unlike the T.V. and fairytale fairies.
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Re: How i became a fairy...
Post # 35
Faeries do exist, just not in the way that you have described it.
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Re: How i became a fairy...
Post # 36
Taylor6000 I want to say your grammar is bad because that should have been "you're" not "your" unless you're saying we all own Wiccan

Being Wiccan has nothing to do with being a witch and how dare you speak like that here when these people have been doing this for many years as long up to 40 years you are a nothing compared to them so you shut your little mouth if say you're better then them

Also if you think that spell works then you better lay off the drugs because it didn't work and it never will and you for some reason thought it did
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No Subject
Post # 37
Ok linalee is fluff and stealing from an anime but remember that in every fairy tale there was also a sorcerer or witch who practiced magic so we are all impossible. Just cause you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist i have seen vampires and people who are a form of werewolf called a spirit wolf. And i have talked to people who are not fluffy who say they have felt a kinda shift so keep an open mind because to the masses we are just crazy people who think we do magic
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