get rid of headaches

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get rid of headaches
Post # 1
is there a spell to get rid of headaches the doctors can find nothing (stupid quacks) and i swear there ruining my life
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Re: get rid of headaches
Post # 2
There's a couple different ways to get rid of headaches. You can use your own energy. The best way I can describe it is place your hands on you head and visualize drawing out the pain, I visualize drawing out a red light. Then replace the pain you drew out with healing energy, I visualize a blue light for that. It usually works.

There is also a spell called healing flames, Draw a picture of yourself with the disease, wound, or condition. If its a headache you want to heal draw a large hammer against a head. Charge a red candle with healing energy. Light the candles flame. Hold the tip of the picture in the flame. After it is lit, drop it into a heat-proof container. Now, with the red candle still burning, draw another picture of yourself without the headache. Place this picture under the red candle and let it burn out.
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Re: get rid of headaches
Post # 3
Those are very good bluewolf.

Malcoy, I used to have the same problem and yes, constant pain can ruin your life. This is what I did...

Get fresh rue, rosemary and mint and boil a big handfull of each the herbs in a pan with about 1/2 gallon of Holy Water and and apx. 1/2 cup of Siete Machos Locion. Let it all boil for a good half hour then let it cool enough to handle safely, then strain the herbs out.

At the end of the day, take a nice warm shower, turn off the water and slowly pour the liquid over your head and let it cascade down your body...don't dry off, just put on your jammies and wrap your head in a white towel and go directly to bed.

Do this once a week for three weeks. The headaches should stop. Mine did and they have not returned but once, and I did it again. I have had no problems since and that was a long time ago.

What could it hurt, you probably already tried everything else? Many hispanic stores carry the Siete Machos Locion or you can get it on the internet...even eBay. It is a black bottle with goat heads on the label.

Good luck honey.
Rev. Trinity

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Re: get rid of headaches
Post # 4
thank you I am going to try these I get migraines often and i'm on med for it I'm very tired of taking all these things I would like to stop and for them to go away it would be great.....but right now I have one because of my third eye.....a good thing.
SMIB Dragon969
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