Change religion

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Re: Change religion
Post # 3
Christians may say you are, but its what you believe in that really defines where you go.
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Re: Change religion
Post # 4
Hell was created by the christian faith, so if your no longer Christian then i wouldn't worry about going to hell :)
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Re: Change religion
Post # 5
You may get a first class ticket to hell
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Re: Change religion
By: / Beginner
Post # 6
Don't listen to Terrahurts. Hell is only a state of mind really and if your not Christian your definitely not going to hell. Hell is a Christian belief to scare people into believing the Christian faith. If there is no promise of going to hell if you don't believe what is going to make you change to Christianity even if you don't want to? See my point. Although, some people really believe in hell.
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Re: Change religion
Post # 7
Well no, as said wiccans believe in summerland ans so on so forth.

I believe in reincarnation, but i really try not to think about the future to much :)
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Re: Change religion
Post # 8
I'd rather be in he'll than heaven.
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Re: Change religion
Post # 9
I'm just saying hell maybe, but its also what you've done in life. Plus I'm not gonna lie to you if your subconscious stay christian and be true with yourself. Birdlover is leading you into a false prophecy, plus this is a wiccan website so basically your asking to join us.
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Re: Change religion
Post # 10

Since when was this a Wiccan site? I know a lot people on here that are not Wiccan. And I know several that do not even care for it.

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Re: Change religion
Post # 11
Well this site is mixed so yeah ok a witchcraft site whatever lol
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Re: Change religion
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
I'm not leading anybody into a false prophecy, I am simply stating that there are tons of people on this site that are both Wiccan and Christian and they seem perfectly happy with their religion. Everyone has a right to believe what they want. There are tons of different types of Wiccan's, there are athiestic Wiccan's who don't believe in any God's or Goddess's(I know a few), there are Wiccans who choose to use the Greeks God's to worship instead of the lady and the lord, there are Wiccan's who simply believe in the power of the universe,there are wiccan's who believe in the power of nature instead of believing in any God's or Goddess's the list goes on and on so don't go around being rude to other people just because it clashes with your beliefs. I've had enough of that from people I already know. I am purely Wiccan but my first spell I ever did with my friend was with the Christian God because I wasn't ready to change over to the Wiccan dieties yet. Seriously, someone could say the moon was made of cheese and it's not hurting you so why should you care? All I'm saying is it might be a good transition for DreamLife to start working with The Christian God until she feels comfortable to be able to use other God's because I'm pretty sure a lot of people who are Christian, who become Wiccan feel guilty at first because they think they are breaking God's laws about witchcraft. She could stay Christian Wiccan all her life and how is it hurting anybody? I could go to ten different Wiccan's and ask them what they believe and not one answer would be exactly the same. A lot of Wiccan authors encourage freedom of belief. They're not going around and saying this is exactly what your supposed to believe and if you don't it's wrong. All I'm saying is be open minded and sometimes what you hear will shock you and make a whole lot more sense than you thought it would.
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