How To Use Your Wand

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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 21
OK! To all students of my work;
Have you been practicing your sideways figure eight or, the vertical circle deosil and widdershins? Or imagining your tip glowing brightly? This little "horse-play" empowers your wand to work through the various dimensions, higher mental planes or, magical veils. It exercises your Wand to be ready to work. Just like basic training in the Military or, Physical Conditioning Exercises. If you have come up with other original exercises, please, share! You can be a Newbie and still share! Fresh minds bring on fresh perspectives.
Perhaps we can all in unison, at some point in the future, come up with a casting to improve our lot. Now that, Ladies and Gentlemen, would be SOoo Cool! Which is exactly the reason I wanted to find out how to use a wand.
Blessed Be, a paradise for you on this good earth!
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 22
Here is another version of my notes that I wrote at another forum on "Wands and Wand Cores." It's a work in progress. Right now I am reading a book titled "Wanding" by Evan Twede.

1)State the name of the Wand
2) Tap twice (I normally tap on my leg calf or thigh), like an Orchestra Conductor does, to get the attention of the group to focus and begin. I also clear my mind at this point.

3)Say something to your wand to get ready and also to inspire and charge yourself up (begin your focus with a strong emotional energy) like; Excalibur; (begin your focus) Perform my will! You might also want to have some inspiring "action" music in the background like "Magic Carpet Ride" by SteppenWolf.
4) Wave your wand around to charge your wand up with your strong emotional desire and energy (there are some methods out there for specific patterns of waving your wand around or just, willy nilly(this is old school which means any which way you want and is comfortable for you to wave that wand around). As long as you keep on waving that wand when you state your spell. Remember "Switch and Flick in the first lesson of the first movie of Harry Potter? This first motion of waving your wand and gathering your energy is the "Switch" part. Keep your focus and concentrate. Have you ever been excited about something and let someone else in on your joy? You were all excited when you spoke to your friend or, whomever. This is exactly how you need to be when you state your spell, have a strong good emotion while stating your spell. There are many good emotions to have and project to your wand for your spell. But, do not, warning, do not, use a negative emotion to project your wand unless for sure the victim focused on is an absolute a-hole and has done some harmful thing to you due to no fault of your own. You can "avenge" yourself but be careful, if you are not "righteous" in your action, Karma will come at you with a vengeance and bite your butt three-fold. And also remember, an eye for an eye not, a leg "and" an eye for an eye. Vengeance must be exacted the "same equal" justice, not more. You do more harm than you should, then dear reader, you are in for a "world" of hurt and misery.

5)State your spell or encantation with excitement.
6)State your propellant energy as like a warrior shout with much energy (this shout can be in your mind or, stated in a low voice but still with much emotional energy (this is termed the "silent roar"), for example; So mote this be!, Bring it on!, Bring it to me soon! Carry on!, Make it so! Energize! Take off! Do your job! Farewell! Move out! Presto meus votum! You can make up your own phrase in Latin by using an English/Latin translater that you google online. I have seen two good ones that pop up all the times that I needed one.

7) "Flick' your wand as the wand's signal for the spell to "takeoff" as "the start of your spells endeavor to succeed." Have you ever had water on your hands and played the "Blessing game" maybe by sprinkling or flicking the water onto someone? Have you ever seen someone use a bull-whip? What one does is twirl and encircle a long whip above themselves then, directs and snaps the whip in front of them by lashing it out which makes an awesome sound like; "Chico-Tas! Some folks call this the "crack" of a whip. No, to me it sounds more like "Chico-Tas!
Anyway, this is the reason to "flick" your Wand. To inform your Wand to "PROPEL" your spell.
8) Be silent. Take a deep breath and relax. Cool your jets. Forget about it. Ground your excess energies/emotions, by a short relaxation. Do something else and hope for the best.
Please, give me some credit whenever you start to use this guide on your own.

That's it! Blessed Be, a paradise for you on this good earth!
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 23
As a suggestion when you practice the wand imagery;
You may want to play some background encouraging "action" music for example; "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. Yes, this rock song is very old school however, it is a classic at its very best which inspired many professionals to play that moving song when they acted on their dreams.
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 24
Oh and you can listen to this classic rock song on "YouTube."
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 25

I wasnt reffering with the detail comment about your post, about what I put about how your wand should be a part of you; ect.

Though unless I have read incorrectly, you missed the wand cleansing bit :)

Still, great post.

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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 26
Im a Wizard and i have been doing magic for !0 years. and the only thing ive ever heard in wizardry lessons is that u have to make sure to cover your wand at night with a peice of cloth because if not the wand will become un powerful do to the magical essance of room and the spirits that are in it whether they are good or bad ,the will always take it the power for themselves and use it when needed
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 27
Hello, Moonwalker;
Thank you for your constructive comment. Yes, I have read in various books on the subject of "wand care" what you say is correct. However, this thread is on wand use not on wand care. There are many threads or subjects on wand choices, wand making, wand care, wand consecrating or blessing, wand cleansing, wand charging. But, not wand use. However, to be clear, I welcome any constructive comment you bring up, Moondwalker. Blessed be.
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 28
Hello, Fallen Starr;
Thank you for your comment. However I may have misunderstood your commentary (I have been sick with the flu for a week already, from going to a $1.50 Theatre, you get what you pay for, ha-ha) and not answered you with conscientious logic, still this forum is on "wand use," not wand blessing nor, how a wand should be a part of you. Just plain old wand use. Nobody has ever done this subject clearly, step by step. And yes, the wand is nothing but a simple tool. I am making the wand seem complicated. So the criticism goes. Well, the problem with that reasoning is, using a wand seems simple enough that it is used fast without really thinking what one does in the process of casting a spell with a wand. Using a wand almost seems instinctual. But not everyone, when not guided, will be able to use a wand so readily, so easily without some question of "am I using a wand to the best that it can be used at its top efficiency?" Maybe not in those words specifically. But similar questions will arise, and always will. I aim to answer these questions as best I can. When one gets through with my guide, they will still do this fast, readily, instinctively but, with "knowledge," and knowledge dear reader, is a powerful thing. Of course, to be clear, your constructive comments are always welcome. Blessed Be.
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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 29


However, cleansing your wand does have something to do with ''how to use your wand'', as it enables it to be used in a more controlled and harmonized way. :). If you cleanse your wand first, your energy and the wand's energy flows through easier, making it easier to channel the energy.

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Re: How To Use Your Wand
Post # 30
Fallen Starr;
Cleansing your wand comes under CONSECRATING a wand, and is done 1st and once, at the very beginning before any use, and perhaps annually.
You're just trying to find any fault you can. You are so wrong.
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