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Re: Incubus
By: / Beginner
Post # 10
demon or not. If a spirit is scaring you, it is not a good thing. I'm dealing with the same problem right now and I'm scared for my life. It is no honor or something good. You feel like you're being mentally raped every day of your life.

I agree with the salt and incease/sage/rosemary comment. I'm probably going to try the same thing right now. I hope the things you see leave you alone. I know how scary it is.

Good luck and blessed be. xx
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Re: Incubus
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
If you sincerely believe that something is "real" then, to you, it is real! But a "belief" doesn't make it true!
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Re: Incubus
Post # 12
It doesn't mean it isn't true either
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Re: Incubus
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
brys if you dont believe why bother even posting
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Re: Incubus
By: / Beginner
Post # 14
Hanging paper cranes worked for the people at my dormatory some years back when several people were attacked by an Inccubus. It may not go far (it managed to banish the Inccubus from the female dormatory wing, but it just went to the male side then and began attacking them and then we had to tell them about the paper cranes), but it will work.
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Re: Incubus
Post # 15
While your affliction is a common one, having studied the paranormal for the majority of my life and read many similar cases of these occurrences. In many cases the incubus is a jealous creatures and if you have a significant other you should be more worried about them than for yourself. Beware of fear. It's what will petrify you and keep you from moving or making a sound. Though some suggest it is their touch that itself that petrifies you, others claim it's their mere presence. Be aware that you can fight this, though it takes a lot of effort. Don't loose hope. I'm studying different ways to banish these creatures, though from what I've studied this is more of a mating ritual than anything else. Be wary of offending it, and cautious of it's treatment towards your significant other. For though it suffocates you at night, it may be jealous of your spouse. I refuse to claim whether these creatures are real or false, as such things require proof which I cannot and may never possess.
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Re: Incubus
By: / Novice
Post # 16
The belief in demons like succubus and incubus is nothing more than a personal belief. Some claim they are real, others do not. So this whole thing is a matter of opinion. If I were you, I would look at the magickal and medical answer because I would want help either way.

If they are real this doesn't sound like something they would do. They are sexual demons, they feed off the energy produced during sex, not the energy from fear. I would cleanse and protect your room and yourself. Wear a protection symbol and enchant it regularly. Daily shielding can also help you. You need to be stronger than these demons, this is your house, tell them to leave. Once they are gone, cleanse them from your mind. Doubt in your ability can weaken the barrier letting them return.

Medically, most demons are the result of sleep paralysis. When we sleep our body freezes the deeper into the sleep cycle we go. Sometimes a person will mentally awaken while their body is in this dream cycle, causing them to panic because of a heavy feeling on their chest and an inability to move. Some have also reported seeing "ghost like" beings floating around their room. This is the result of your mind creating images one would perceive as dreams. However, before medical answers, ancient man would view these as monsters, ghosts, demons, and whatever else. Talk with your doctor, see if there's a medical answer.

Your imagination could also be a factor. In the dark objects look like beings, your imagination starts to go and you scare yourself. A tv or people in another room could also explain the voices.

Whatever you do, I hope this gets resolved for you soon. Blessed Be.
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Re: Incubus
Post # 17
Moderators are here for a reason, just pointing that out. Lets not gang up on them ok? Everyone has their own belief and will say it. This site is spamed by so many Role Players that its hard to take people serious sometimes. I do feel this girl is telling the truth, that something is bothering her and making her feel uncomfortable, I doubt seriously it is an incubus, sounds more like a spirit has attached itself to her and that is the feeling your getting. Smudging and asking the spirit to leave with respect should work, as most spirits are curios or playful. Be respectful though if it really is a spirit. It sounds like a playful one, not a mean one and probably doesn't know its gone to far.
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Re: Incubus
Post # 18
Have you called a Priest, a Nun, a Monk, a Healer, a shaman or other specially prepared person who performs the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have been attached to a person?

Remember it’s important for yourself not to be embarrassed when seeking help from the list above, it’s the demon making you feel helpless have faith.

Try this first if you have no luck with getting rid of your Demon than I can help you. I will say a prayer for you?
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Re: Incubus
Post # 19
No problem, I can take care of them for you. I work part time as an exorcist. If you give me their name I can deal with them directly. Or you can simply say that if they don't leave you then the queen Shioni will make them suffer. Usually this threat is more than enough.
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