take note

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Re: take note
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Colof? What's that?

PS there is a "d" in the word "judged"
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Re: take note
Post # 3
when someone is five, their cognitive ability is not fully developed, neither is their worldview, at the age of ten a child's cognitive ability is greater and their worldview wider, but still they lack the experiences someone twice or four times their age has, infact your not done growing, learning, and "maturing" until your about 20-25.

comparing people "judging" you based off of your minimal life experience and age to someone being judged by the color of their skin shows how young and immature you are, your making the case against yourself so to speak.

judging someone because they were born black, or asian, or hispanic, or white, or arab is incontrovertibly wrong, it is disregarding all the knowledge, experience, compassion, respect, love, and kindness a person might have and instead just seeing the worst of what you think they are.

comparing what you think your going through to that is laughable at best, and narcissistic at worst, but thats the thing, you cant fault a child for that, all children are naturally narcissistic till they learn to explore the reality that other people are as real as them.
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Re: take note
Post # 4
and fyi vilot, you said in the olden days, but that too is false young one, many great atrocities are committed in the name of race, religion, and nationality to this day. racism is still going on, and not just in small ways.
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Re: take note
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
The author Mark Twain made this observation on age:-
"When I was very young my father was an idiot! But a strange thing happened. The older I got, the wiser he got!"
I don't think it can be said better than that!
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Re: take note
Post # 6
See this is what I mean .
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Re: take note
Post # 7
Not really..don't see what you mean.

If someone came on this site and started talking to you about magic and telling you things about magic. Then you find out this person has never even studied or practiced magic in his life. You wouldnt take what he said to heart.

Same applies to age. At younger ages you have yet to experience things that others have..so they most likely will judge you on your age in that way.

Though i know some of this doesnt apply to certain things..some younger people have experienced more hardships than older ones.

All this aside...age is not what people are judged on most in this world anyways. Color of your skin, how much money you have, your style, your weight. These things are judged more in today's society, and judged more harshly.
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Re: take note
Post # 8
I personally judge people on every piece of information I can get on them. Of course children are inexperienced, that's why they have guardians. Additionally, experience itself doesn't make you wise, rather, HOW you experience something, and how you apply said experinece. Chronological age is very useful in determining how to approach a person, I would not hesitate to use it.
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Re: take note
Post # 9
Vilot, this is clearly you carrying over your frustration from a previous thread about your age and joining the Council of the Seven Doves.

I believe in giving everyone the benefit of a doubt and giving them a chance to prove themselves, but this is not helping your cause. If you truly want to show that age is simply a number, why not try showing what you know around the forums? Or better yet, join a coven and, as a member, provide and offer information to assist your fellow site and/or coven members. If the coven Priest/Priestess believe that you are appropriate for a council position then they will award it to you. You can't join a coven and expect to be handed a position. You must, like with all other things in life, earn it.

You say you're knowledgeable and know a good deal about magic and the like, but I've not once seen you prove this in the forums or offer any useful information to the site. Perhaps you should do this and see if views change.

Blessed Be and With Respect,
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Re: take note
Post # 10
People are still judged by color and people have always been judged by age. Judging by age makes perfect sense. There are age limits to drugs, driving, violent movies for a reason.
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Re: take note
Post # 11
Well you are right it is stupid of me to think segeration is over
and don't comment on if I spelled any thing wrong
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