?herbalism instruction?

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Re: ?herbalism instruction?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 11
You did not say what kind of heart problems ?Since you are not specific you can not get pretty specific answer either .However most used herbs who are related with heart are garlic (Allium sativum ),motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca ),Howthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) .Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor ) is used in pharmacy because the chemical vincamine which the herb contains helps cardiovascular disorders .However last one shall be taken with caution since it can cause such disorder if one is not present .
In general most herbs can be dangerous if taken in too huge doses .
And in same time you need to have one or two months course using them at the same time .So using herbs can be tricky sometimes .

For fear and anxiety appropriate herbs are valerian ,lemon balm ,
camomile .Last one is ready available in most supermarkets and it has very nice taste .

Clear quartz is one of the most common crystals and one of most used from magician and crystal healers .It has energyzing properties and is counted as sun stone .You can use it for healing and empowering or even as energy storage .

And lastly you do not need to spam the thread ,but just to apply a bit patience and wait till someone gives you answer .
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