trying to make a website

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Re: trying to make a website
Post # 21
Magustaus I have found in the past month that the only thing you seem to be an expert at is trolling and dropping a negative comment wherever someone leaves you room to squeeze one in.

!!!!As you seem to do, at least in this case, hmm. I also have not been coming here for a month, maybe 1.5 weeks. As for your denouncing me saying "one" positive thing about myself, you are entitled to your opinion. However in saying I am not you say you, in a non direct way, something I do not know really. I do not like you based upon your rather biased response, but I won't judge your knowledge level based on arbitrary things such as dislike, or your clearly young age. That would be unfair. Maybe you should think about that if you expect to be taken seriously. It is also doesn't make one a troll simply to disagree. You have read my posts but not understood, only seeing negative. If you are one of the long time members here that benefits form the status quo I am not surprised ;)

All these conversations of grandeur,

!!!!What grandeur? I said one self complimentary thing of truth and suddenly I am being grandiose about myself?

being an expert, and showing the world how screwed up the male ego can be portrayed; I among many have yet to see any real information out of you.

!!!!You mean like actually coming out and telling people how to be immortal, or not warning them off doing something that could prove harmful to them, or giving out free yet dangerous info? It is fortuate that many of the people here really are not experts, as if they were they would be handing out a lot of dangerous information. I also don't get your logic. I am not an expert because I "have not" proven it by giving out tons of free and possibly harmful info, as compared to most of the useless info on this site? So basically you are saying based upon a lack of information about me that in itself is proof? I am confused but I don't think the scientific method works that work. Lack of evidence is not proof. That is also your opinion, based upon nothing, exactly. Think about how much stock I place in that. I mentioned only in passing that I was an expert in the occult, and after 30 plus years of proactive practice, trust me I am. I was not seeking to toot my own horn though, as some insecure people might claim and object to, but merely pointing out that if someone like myself lacks a website, that someone like bloodmage does not need one either. Simple. I find it funny that you attack that, and then call me a troll. Get some perspective mate.

Much less a push in the right direction when people have issues.

!!!!This makes no sense to me, what issues do you speak of? Always trust someone who is guided by emotions and not reason to be vague. You like to argue, that is simple, and you certainly are not mature, sorry to say.

n being a role model and trying to help people, you suck.

!!!!I would expect no less from someone like yourself, right back at you my young friend. You are free to think and do as you like here, which is why you are here of course ;)

In pointing out other's short comings and skillfully giving people people a reason not to want to ask questions, you have perfected a skill that would have all of our envy if we could only get our heads that far up our tushies.

!!!!I think your head is already there, as you are totally oblivious to your own laundry list of shortcomings, which come out in stark contract within this post. I would not expect any of your fellow yes men to point these out of course, can't have the yes men saying no to one another, or being challenged, which is what you really don't like, that and being questioned in the la la land you and others have created for themselves.

For an expert in so much you severely lack learning from the obvious, this is what your second account in less than a month? We have 12 yr olds on here that can listen, follow directions and keep an account longer.

!!!!I think you need to flip that assessment around. ;)

Bloodmage website building isn't hard, offering information to the world is a good thing. If you still need help, pm me and I'll help you as much as I can.

!!!!So i this why you posted, to try and seek grandeur yourself? LOL, you end the email with a self serving statement seeking to show all how gracious you are. I find you and your contrary behavior amusing, but at the same time troubling. I'm guessing the occult has not helped you with your "issues" nor would I seek to take a crack at them.

!!!!You are clearly allowed to break certain rules, as your response to me is provocative in the extreme, lets see if mine is allowed equal shrift. Wish I could say it has been nice chatting with you, but that would be disingenuous. Good bye.
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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 22

Oh dear, inflammatory rhetoric in my thread. Please, no arguing. I am going to go with Magus on this mainly because it actually seems sensible. Both of you should probably stop whatever it is that bothers the other. Actually, Magus, when you use HTML and CSS and only those website building is kind of hard;the tools that make it easy such as webs, as an earlier person mentioned, give you almost no control and are not really much of a challenge. But thank you for providing much needed insight.

- - Blessed Be

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 23

It's been a while but once again I am using this thread. This time i am looking for suggestions on subjects i should teach on my website. Nothing definitive(yet) and please just suggestions, I will do all my own research on any and all subjects.Just suggestions so I know what is important to teach people who are new in the magical community.

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Re: trying to make a website
Post # 24
You may wish to start with the basics, as everyone that practices magic needs to or should know them. You could start beginners here and then add more advanced lessons, articles, etc for your more advanced members.

You could include lessons on astral projection, divination, herb magic, etc. I can't really offer many suggestions as there are so many possibilities as to what you could teach.

Maybe try talking to your students and see what their interests are, then work your lessons around that?
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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Beginner
Post # 25
Name: The Path

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 26

What? I've already got a name.

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 27

'K Hopefully final announcement post by me until the website is online and this is to announce that tonight, after months of work, the website will be online. In a few hours, as in one or two, the website will be ready to visit and my final post shall be to announce the URL [hint: it's the thingy you copy and paste into the address bar in your browser. EXAMPLE: go there)] This is really just a shell of the site that is growing as i learn more about magic and web hosting and will hopefully grow to include a god system like this site

--Blessed Be

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 28

Aghh, due to delays, the site will be up tomorrow instead of now.

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 29 is now online please visit but note that it is still in development and will be for a while, maybe even forever. Updates should happen on fridays or weekends unless otherwise noted. Blessed be All.

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Re: trying to make a website
By: / Novice
Post # 30

Hey all. I'm back. Just an update on the site. The new, better version of the site is up including a part of the first lesson. Link is : in case you didn't get that.

Note: Login/signup/forgot your password does not work yet. trust me, i'm working on it.

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