Is Weed Bad?

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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 21
I love the idea that "everything that comes from Mother Earth" is okay to eat! Try eating aconite. No,don't! You will die!
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 22
Haha. Right on Brysing. I love the whole concept of weed being natural and therefore better for you. You know what's also natural? Tar. The same tar that is complained about within cigarettes. Yeah, ever hear of a tar pit? Also, arsenic. Etc.

You know what's pretty unnatural? Lighting something on fire and putting it in your mouth to breath in the smoke.

Have you ever seen what heat and smoke do to vegetation next to a bonfire? Even just what the heat and smoke do to the leaves of nearby trees? Chemical effects aside, consider what the heat and smoke of smoking anything will do to the fragile tissues of a human's lungs. If it can make hearty leaves on a tree shrivel from a few hours of burning when they are several feet away, puffing on a lit cigarette, joint, pipe, etc. that is put directly to your mouth (granted, the heat is much less, but the scale is about equal).

Now do it over and over and watch the tree die, or your lungs deteriorate. You know how most people who inhale weed cough like hell? That is your lungs trying to reject the smoke. Same with cigarettes. The body often tries to reject things that are "natural" and good for it. I saw somebody say it was better for you than sugar... Wrong. The cells of the body actually require sugar to sustain. Perhaps not refined white sugar that you've sprinkled over your deep fried donut, but then that's just as warped and unnatural as lighting some leaves on fire and trying to inhale all of the smoke.

And that bit where you develop a "smokers cough"? That is your lungs trying to clear themselves of all of the nastiness within them.

And before you all go "you're just a nonsmoker... shut up." No, I used to smoke. Never felt better than when it all finally left my system.

Now I'm not preaching for or against weed. I just find the whole "it's natural" argument to be misinformed and the product of irrational thinking.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: / Novice
Post # 23
Pretty much anything you smoke will have some sort of negative effects on your lungs.
It also fogs up memory glands. Making you forget certain memories for very long periods of time.
For its reputation as a 'miracle herb' its extremely useful, both spiritually and medically. Smoking it was thought to bring you closer to 'enlightenment' I guess it does something along those lines. ;)
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: / Novice
Post # 24
Marijuana has been proven to not kill braincells, apart from a study they did, in which they pumped about three pounds worth of marijuana smoke into the gas mask of a monkey.
It did kill brain cells through suffocation.
It fogs memory glands, but does not kill brain cells.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 25
Everyone has their own personal opinion on weed. It is illegal, though my opinion for this is that the government has no way to regulate it. It is natural, it comes from the earth. It will scramble your brain and can be a problem if used too often. But then, the same goes for all drugs and alcohol. I don't really think of weed as a drug myself, though the law has categorized it that way. It is also theraputic for many ailments, if used moderately. I think that in the wicca/magic/witchcraft/pagan arena, the opinions vary. As with anything, do some in depth research and come up with your own conclusions.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 26
Dont matter brysing and awaketoolong, It is helpful in so many way and only harmful in not alof way, It helps people meditate, to tell you the truth you would smoke weed instead of smoking cigarrets why ? because weed doesnt kill you in any way as it does harm you when you smoke cigarettes, I dont get it, Bet half of you smoke cigarettes am i right ? but you would rather smoke that than weed ? come on it not a drug it is just a plant and it helped people out not cigaretes, And well you are the one damaging your health because weed doesnt do it so fast as in killing because it is medicine to us, and cigaretes dont help at all, And no awaketoo we do not just pick up any "poinousnous" stuff from mother earth, We test it out and if its not harmful to human consuption than there they go to try it and some one just felt like smoking it so they did and they saw good results in it, When do you see good results in CIGARETTES?
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 27
Different parts of plants - fruits, leaves, bark and tubers were used for human beings, food source, and stems, in addition, they replaced the rope. Some plants, however, prompted people to use them in some capacity. This plant, whose property - "dope" - can, in some cases, modify staying awake consciousness.
Plains Indians in order to achieve the most valuable of mystical states, which provided them in touch with supernatural entities used different kinds of nightshade and beans mezcal. In particular, through the use of hallucinogens was carried out in close contact between a warrior and a wild beast in visions preceding the hunt.

The rich legacy in the form of ceramics and textiles, we inherited from the ancient Nazca fishermen who lived on the southern coast of Peru, allows us to establish the role of the San Pedro cactus and shrubs Wilkie in their culture. Apparently, the plant hallucinogens were used by local religious and political leaders for the exercise of power in the political, psychological and social fields by force, contained in a modified under the influence of psychedelic states of consciousness.

The inhabitants of the mountains of New Guinea, using the fungi affecting the mind, quite different in this from other people on Earth who used hallucinogens. These natives were in a state of poluobezumevshem under the influence of mushrooms over a period of a year, without implementing any of rituals and ceremonies. The inhabitants of New Guinea - an example of the anomalies in their use of plant hallucinogens vneritualnom.

Mochica Indians from the northern coast of Peru have used the San Pedro cactus, and various kinds of nightshade as an element of action shaman. Religious ministers weave into their own rituals of good and evil, a manifestation of strength and skill to manipulate it, as well as a magical power over nature, which allowed them to meet the needs of the community as a whole and its individual members.

The ancient Aztecs included in its pharmacopoeia, at least four basic types of hallucinogenic plants. With their help, they served their needs in the sacrifices, used them to treat important people in ceremonial feasts and take in the form of tribute. Plants are also used for treatment, divination, and lifting the morale of the soldiers before the battle. In this society we are witnessing a curious ritual use of plants for the militant and aggressive goals.

In Peru, the ancient Incas, plant hallucinogens - San Pedro, Wilkie and coca were not included in the religious and cultural activities as thoroughly as the Aztecs of Mexico. Apparently, the Incas showed less interest in influencing the consciousness of plants than any other civilization of the New World. Although witnesses say that hallucinogens have played an important role in traditional healing, especially in rural areas.

Fung north-west equatorial Africa experienced the shock of French colonization, have changed their traditional use of hallucinogenic tabernanthe iboga. In the past it was used by farmers and hunters of the company to relieve fatigue and maintain vigor during the hunt. However, in recent decades it has been included in the religious revival movement - Bwiti that its members could personally experience the presence of a cult deity.

The ancient Mayans used to the classic period of hallucinogenic mushrooms, and roots of poison anuran common water lily. These funds had an influence on the religion of the ancient Maya, especially in the field of divination and healing.

In these cities the Peruvian Amazon, Iquitos and Pucallpa both men and women use in our plant hallucinogen ayahuasca time to diagnose and treat diseases associated with witchcraft. Traditional healers are a few times a week, collect patient groups and assign them a dose of a drug that allows patients to see a person, send down spoilage.

Shamans (usually regarded as experts in the supernatural, and called healers and sorcerers) have always been excellent magicians. Using the power of hallucinogenic means (as we have seen in the above small plots), the magician was able to devote their energies to cure patients, the prediction of the future, okoldovyvanie enemies, getting the location chosen by women and, most importantly, the manipulation of supernatural silami.Esli we look at some key features of the behavior inherent shamans around the world, we see that most of their manners associated with hallucinogenic plants.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 28
It's not the best thing ever to do. It has many affects and it really depends on how you use it. If you are a drug abuser than the drug will trap your spiritual self inside your body. If you take just a little it can enable you to better your divination. It can open your mind or drag you down. Just be careful and if it's illegal in your area then you shouldn't be doing it at all!
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 29
It is very bad and here are few reasons why. I do not recommend any one to use it...
Because of the serious physical and psychological effects associated with its use, Despite the fact that it is widely available, and even “accepted” in some families and communities, marijuana remains a legally restricted harmful drug. It’s main ingredient is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), a mind-altering chemical. Marijuana produced today has a level of THC that is up to 25 times higher than the type sold in the 1960s. And depending on how it is “cut”, it can contain hundreds of other harmful chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Biologically, marijuana affects the brain, heart, lungs, sexual organs, and depresses the immune system. The effects on the brain include distortion of the senses, confused judgment, and decreased motor skills. Operating machinery and motor vehicles becomes dangerous. Effects on the heart include rapid heart rate and high blood pressure. Respiratory problems include pharyngitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis. Marijuana has been associated with lung, head, and neck cancers. It reduces the T-cells in the immune system that are needed to fight off infections. In pre-teens, marijuana use can retard physical growth and slow down development. High dose marijuana use can cause decreased fertility, breast enlargement in males, and breast milk production.

Usually marijuana in inhaled (smoking a “joint”) for it’s psychological effects. Within the first few minutes, it produces a sense of heightened well being and relaxation. Now that sounds good. But with continued use, the mental effects include short-term memory loss, shortened attention span, impaired learning, social withdrawal, and decreased motivation. Anxiety attacks, panic reactions, delirium, and hallucinations can occur. So pediatricians are very concerned about the harmful effects of marijuana and I do not support its use or legalization.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: / Novice
Post # 30
Some people are hyper-sensitive to sugar, some people are hyper-sensitive to weed. Some people never have a problem with weed, others have been hospitalised due to it's psychiatric effects. It's a lottery.
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