Is Weed Bad?

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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 11
Recent research Proves that it is good for many things. It has even been proven to cure cancer.In American studies it has shrunken cancer tumors in rats. This is not a lie,the researcher lives in Canada. It has also helped anxiety patients,Depression,morning sickness,Post traumatic stress disorder,and even recently helped a boy with Autism.
The whole reason it is not legal is the pharmaceutical industry would loose a lot of money if it was legal.
Ray I suggest you research it yourself.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 12
personally i have to tell you that being a kid in california, i am constantly under the influence of drugs like weed and of course lots of alcohol. Yeah i have to admit that it is bad for kids to use it because it can kill the brain cells and cause learning defects when you are still growing. but then on the other hand if you don't abuse it it can actually help some people with anger and it can kinda have the effects that riddilin has for for the shamanism and meditation i think that is spot if you were to use drugs at least wait until you are over 26 because your brain stops developing then.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
By: / Beginner
Post # 13
It really depends on who you ask.
I smoke weed and its helped me relax and stopped most of my panic attacks.
Marijuana is natural and comes from Mother Earth. Its more dangerous to smoke cigarettes than pot because of all the shit they put in cigs.
I personally don't believe its bad, but many others would disagree. I think in moderation, Its okay. Its when people stone themselves stupid that its not healthy.
But thats just my views.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 14
Not everything that comes from "our" Mother Earth is meant for our consuming we are not blessed with high immune system... If we were, we'll end up eating poison mushrooms... It's from the earth... isn't it?
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 15
Cannabis itself is not bad, the mythical harmful effects of THC have no concrete evidence. Most people that smoke weed all the time already had scrambled thoughts to begin with that's why they smoked weed all the time. If digest orally instead of smoke inhalation there are no bad effects only if you smoke it. (You get a longer stronger high if digested just not as instantaneous)
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 16
Many thoughts on the subject, so let's put it all together. And start with a statement from an expert on the subject:

"You cannot overdose on THC. You can forget your name or where you are, but too much THC will not kill you."~ John W Huffman, an organic chemist at Clemson University in South Carolina, USA

THC is the active drug in Marijuana that causes the "high or stoned" feeling. Marijuana ingested in various ways such as a tea, pill, or dried and smoked & has been done for thousands of years to treat ailments, induce states of relaxation, and help Magick practitioners with various types of meditation.

Marijuana can not kill you and used responsibly is not bad for you. In responsibly I am referring to the fact that smoking Marijuana can deliver large amounts of THC to your blood stream at a rapid rate, thus causing an impairment in your judgement and ability to react at an acceptable level. Driving, operating equipment, or any other activity where a clear mind and focus is needed should not be performed after smoking Marijuana (common sense).

Marijuana has been legalized in many US states for medicinal use, as it does alleviate nausea, lack of appetite, and somewhat of a pain blocker. In those cases those prescribed Medical Marijuana are licensed, as are the "Care-Givers(those who grow the medical marijuana)" through the state. Some counties in various states and some countries have legalized its use altogether. And in doing so have place strict rules on how much can be possessed and for personal use only.

There have been legal alternatives made such as "WickedXXX" and "Haze" made in the not so recent past that contain a chemical compound called JWH-018 (discovered in 1995) which is a cannabinoid, causing the same effects as THC. This alternative is legal is almost all 50 states, and is sold at various tobacco outlets and online.

Though knowing the laws where you reside and following them is very important, whereas possession of Marijuana in the US in some states is punishable by 2yrs in prison for your first offense.

I would not say I would or would not condone the use of Marijuana or JWH-018, but I would say that if you do, then do so responsibly. Ignorance can be very unforgiving if you get high and decide to drive. You will achieve the same results if you were drunk. And life is so very short.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 17
Its a plant, with drugs in it. Like the sun is a star, whos chemicals alter the way we think and feel, there for Light is a drug..Anyone that thinks it harms your body tell that to all the Grannies in various cannabis clubs theyve joing for Medical MJ. Tell that to all the dying aids patients that now have an appetite.. and this 2 yrl old..
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 18

Well is weed bad? to much of anything is bad.... but no theres nothing wrong with abit of a smoke everynow and then inproportion i find it makes me creative and more lively.. and chatty

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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 19
Marijuana is very damaging for your body, but Native Americans probably used it for relaxation, and travel magick.

You shouldn't smoke it though, as it causes issues with your health.
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Re: Is Weed Bad?
Post # 20
Weed is less harmful to your body than cigarettes, probably even sugar. Get your facts straight.
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