How do I grow wings?

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Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 9
i agee with the astral projection theory but i have done this useing chi/ki energy but it take VERRY good meditation skills and a high level of energy in your body to get them to last.

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 10
It's spelled "meditating," and no amount of belief will make one able to grow wings.

Re: How do I grow wings?
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
The reason those spells don't work is because they're fake. The only way to have wings is to either just wear some or learn how to astral project and picture yourself with wings on the astral plane.

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 12
Technically growing wings is possible, but the simplest method of doing so would be using genetics, a force equally powerful as if not more powerful than magick, but even that is many years off. You could use magick, but the amounts of concentration, energy, focus, willpower, whatever necessary is well beyond even the most adept, and even if you could would you really want to? For you to grow wings you're shoulder blades would have to be shoved up and closer together (potentially pinching the spine), you would need to grow wing bones for one, and then these would have to rip through your skin so they could begin forming the exterior parts of the wing. The sheer amount of pain could easily kill you. Not that you'd need to worry about that because its not going to happen ;)

Re: How do I grow wings?
By: / Novice
Post # 13
Not Possible, Not Possible, Not Possible.

The only way any human could grow wings is throw evolution.

End of Story

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 14
I don't get posts like this. If you could 'grow wings' there'd be a physical way. The only way to 'grow wings' is to do it in the astral realm.

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 15
Cuz they are cool. They resemble a certain essence someone wants to have.

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 16
you can only dream of growing wings, soo dont even try it is not physically possible. just give up.

Re: How do I grow wings?
By: / Beginner
Post # 17
A spell to grow wings will not work. Humans don't have wings and that's that.

Re: How do I grow wings?
Post # 18

It's not possible for you to grow wings if you weren't born with them in the first place.

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