Teleportation spells...

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Re: Teleportation spells...
Post # 4
I think that you can teleport it just takes an extreme amount of knowledge on magic and molecular transportation. But I think that you would have to devote your life to trying to teleport. So I think you can do it, we just can't do it YET...
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Re: Teleportation spells...
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5
Nonsense. There were people who devoted themselves to such arts for decades and never achieved such an art. It has nothing to do with insufficient study or anything along those lines. Teleportation is actively being studied in many scientific communities, and the simple fact is that it requires that you be deconstruction at a molecular level and reconstructed (perfectly) elsewhere. This requires a tremendous amount of energy and is generally impossible for modern technology. To attempt it through sheer will power alone seems inane and pointless. Why? Because it requires infinitely less effort to get up and walk, drive a car, or buy a plane ticket.

Steam technology was available to the ancient greeks. They did not use it because man power was cheaper and more effective. It took two-three thousand years of social, economic, and technological change for it to be practical to utilize the steam engine instead of man and horse power. Concepts such as teleportation in today's world are generally equally fruitless and unnecessary as steam power was to the greeks for very similar reasons.

Those who claim it is just a matter of further study, concentration, and blah blah blah are generally lacking any concept of actual science and simply attribute what they wish to be to "we only need to discover it."

And for those who also claim that anything is possible with enough faith, I also give the analogy of flight. Many people believed that flight was impossible. Many people also believed that they could create flight via machine. How many ridiculous videos exist of people in poorly constructed gliders, hoping, smoking, and girating machines, and other such vehicles that we now know to be completely useless were created? All of those people fully believed that their invention would allow flight. All of those people devoted themselves to study. Their method was flawed however. Their machines didn't work. Wishing, magicking, spells, and ridiculous machines never once made one person fly.Not until the humble hot air balloon, and eventually the airplane. How do we know this? Because it was all sponsored by governments, businesses, and wealthy individuals throughout history. Even Da Vinci had made a glider but it was too heavy to work. Wishing, believing, and hoping for something to be so is not enough to make it work.

Teleportation through willpower is simply groundless and entirely without scientific basis. Every shred of evidence I have scene produced to back it refers to extensive scientific and technological devices or works of fiction.

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Re: Teleportation spells...
Post # 6
*Bang Bang Bang*

You were quick to shoot me down Awaken. All I'm saying is their are so many possibilities and so many accounts of people teleporting in ancient times. Humans only use 10% of their brains. If we could unlock the other 90% think about what we could do. So much untaped power in our subconscious. And besides, to clone ourselves you only need 5% of your DNA, the other is trash. I believe you could copy that 5% of your DNA somewhere and then destroy the original. Don't shoot down what you don't and can't understand.
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Re: Teleportation spells...
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
Humans use their entire brain. The whole thing about the "10%" is a complete myth.

The bit about 5% of the DNA? Not sure where you got that. A single differing chromosome results in you having down syndrome. That is one of the mild possibilities.

What ancient accounts are there of teleportation? Provide one for me.
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Re: Teleportation spells...
By: / Beginner
Post # 8
' Humans use their entire brain. The whole thing about the ''10%'' is a complete myth. '

If so,I'm ashamed of all humans.

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Re: Teleportation spells...
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 9
Then be ashamed. Every portion of the brain is utilized for something. It simply all isn't used for thought. That's like saying because your laying down you don't actually use 100% of your legs.
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Re: Teleportation spells...
Post # 10
Ok I'm going to inject a little science here. Firstly the method of deconstructing and reconstructing a human being is frankly ridiculous and has been abandoned as a theory of teleportation for a few years now, at least until we have the technology to actually reconstruct.. well anything from molecules then it's pointless. Secondly reconstructing a human from 5% of their DNA would not work, even if we could clone a human instantly (we can't they would come out the other end as an embryo) then we need to look at memory conservation too, all far too complex. Today a far preferred theory of teleportation is the actual bending of space. It's difficult to conceive (and if anyone says they understand it fully they're lying) but space is four dimensional not three. We see that when a large mass is inserted it has the ability to pull space towards it (otherwise known as gravity) and by using this if we can find a way to bend the space it is possible to literally step from America to China instantly. However the constraints on our current knowledge and equipment mean we are a long way off either form of teleportation unfortunately.

Now as for the brains, humans do NOT use 100% of their brain, that strain would literally kill you, we simply can't metabolise enough energy to use the whole thing at once. Yes we do use just about every piece of our brain but not at the same time.
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Re: Teleportation spells...
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
You're not using their POTENTIAL 100% . You can stand,walk,run,stretch them,and much more,but you keep them calm laying on something.
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Re: Teleportation spells...
Post # 12
You don't have to be
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Re: Teleportation spells...
Post # 13
You don't have to be
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