New Satanist

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Re: New Satanist
Post # 21
I was as blind as the rest of you regarding this subject, with myself being wiccan.

But from what i have learned from the UK Church of Rational Satanism, regarding their type of satanism, is it has nothing to do with black magic, or a path of darkness. Its simply embracing what we really are

A very eye opening experience i will admit

Re: New Satanist
Post # 22
@mercurius-it doesn't mean that if you chose to follow the satanic way is that you are in the path of darkness... we all have different perspective, we all want to ascend... remember, there is no color in magick... your knowledge in magick only becomes bad when you use it to hurt others without any reason...

blessed be...

Re: New Satanist
Post # 23
Thats why i like Satanism, as it covers psychological issues

Re: New Satanist
Post # 24
When I say "Path of Darkness" I do not mean doing bad to others but choosing to focus your attention in the opposite side of god.

Although I know full well that both of them lead to the final purpose of each spirit it makes me wonder why should you glory a reptilian divinity than trying to make this world better by focusing on the path of life which is immune to any diseases and cleansed from the light of god.

Re: New Satanist
By: / Beginner
Post # 25
if i may say something the satan most satanist worship is not the same as the christian/catholic satan. thought there is a satanic religion that does worship the same satan as the bible.

Re: New Satanist
Post # 26
I know who is who, I am not stricted from dogmas or such. I just wonder why does he prefer the negative side, thats all.

Re: New Satanist
By: / Beginner
Post # 27
I dare to wonder why would you put the fact you're a satanist in the title. You can just say it in the thread,yet like this it looks...Like an attention magnet.

But welcome,even tho you are not that new.

Re: New Satanist
Post # 28
I embrace no particular religion, but I do know that satanism isn't what a lot of people think it is (Evil, immoral, ect.).

From what I understand, rational satanism is more about taking a direct logical approach to everything. To them, Satan is an idol, but not outside of themselves. They consider themselves the gods.
(Anyone who is a rational satanist, correct me if I am wrong)

I think their take on philosophy is a very interesting and refreshing one, and it really cuts through the lies and ignorance to the hard truth.

Re: New Satanist
Post # 29
from what i know, reptillians do need blood sacrifice for them to help you but from my experiences about satan he don't need blood... even the other demons that i know... maybe some have misinterpreted the demons to the reptilians...

blessed be...

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity. We have done our research. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.
-from high priestest maxine deidrich

Re: New Satanist
Post # 30
'original religion of humanity'... how? do tell. I am all ears. You do realise that christianity and judaiism was not begining of any thing and there were millions of religions that existed before them and continue to exit in various parts of the world. Hope you also realise that every organised religious group, christians, satanists, muslims, hindus, etc(which in my opinion is a political coup to control people) make the 'original religion of humanity' claim. It's like the oldest propaganda line in theology. Seriously, the least you guys could have done was try a different approach

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