
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► premonition
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Post # 1
does any one know a spell that can help me see into the futre but not like see far into it but like a sense of it like spider sense or somin like that if you get me?
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Re: premonition
Post # 2
No, not really but you should make your own it works best. I will say you will get a lot of deja vus if done wrong.
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Re: premonition
Post # 3
you should just try old fasion scrying
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Re: premonition
Post # 4
do you mean like a danger sense
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Re: premonition
Post # 5
yea spider sense kinda thing but like it happens before i do something not nesesarily dangerouse but sommin ill regret
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Re: premonition
Post # 6
Spell for premonition. light a purple candle, shut eyes tightly. Chant, let me see what seers say be, let me see events to be, let me see past, present, future of all plus me, on my will so mote it be. Chant over and over and induce sleep, let the chant raise power and let yr voice rise and fall as it will
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