Tarot Cards

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Tarot Cards
Post # 1
I have just bought my first pack of tarot cards but am having trouble understanding the instruction book. Could someone please please tell me the easiest way to do a tarot reading for myself. Thanks
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 2
First, I think try to listen to your intuition-- your first thought or feeling when you see the card. What is it trying to tell you?

Then, if you can find a sort of "supplementary" system to go with tarot, it can be much easier. Like, the suits can stand for the four elements, right... so whenever you see cups, you'll know that it has something to do with the traits of water. (Emotions, relationships, etc.)

The tarot can also be linked with astrology, numerology, and Kabbalah, but I thought the four elements was easiest as the supplementary system.

If the cards are fully illustrated with respect to the tarot card's meaning, there should be clues to the meaning of the card: why does the man in 9 of wands look unhappy, why can the High Priestess touch the Tora, why is Adam's tree bare while Eve's tree is fertile, etc.

I suggest starting with a three-card spread so you can see and more easily remember how the cards relate to one another. Single-draws can be boring, and the Celtic Cross is tempting but might be messy... The three-card spread is the best, I think, because it's so versatile-- it can be past/present/future or questions for the maiden/mother/crone ...

Hope this helps!
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 3
I also have a question regarding tarot cards. Well I have many decks and the ones I have at the moment are called Fractal Energy cards. I think they are the best cards :) If I wanted help regarding a decision I am trying to make what kind of spread would I use for that?
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 4
Maria Shaw recommends this spread for big questions:

1. The problem or question
2. Opportunities presented
3. Obstacles, conflicts, problems
4. Final advice or outcome

Hope this helps!
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Re: Tarot Cards
Post # 5
It does Ravyne and thank you, I have done that spread before.
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