why did the christians?

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Re: why did the christians?
By: / Novice
Post # 31
once the two religions lived together rather well, then Christianity gained more power [i can't remember exact dates] and it was decided by the pope i think that people who were healers [because anyone who had a knowledge of herbs and the like were considered witches] were in alignment with the devil and therefore didn't want to help, but to hurt Christians and make them join Satan. thus, two monks wrote The Malleus Maleficarum [The Witches Hammer] which explained not only how to find a witch [like if they have a birthmark] but how to test them [throw them in a lake, water is pure, if they are a witch they shall float because a witch isn't pure] and execution [burned alive] . It's also written [paraphrasing] 'it is a sin to let a witch live' [look it up, it isn't the exact words, but thats the meaning] it was written in the St. James Bible [a sect of Christianity invented so divorce was legal, couple other things are different, but that's basically why.]

here's a video i liked, it explains the history a bit better, and the religion, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3_Ut4et9dM

now, as for why they hate what they don't understand, it's just human nature, most people fear what is different. that as well as if you're taught one thing, you will believe it and everyone else is wrong. it's hard to break a cycle.
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Re: why did the christians?
Post # 32
Spite. Jealousy. Hatred.
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Re: why did the christians?
Post # 33
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Comments.
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Re: why did the christians?
By: / Beginner
Post # 34
Nice post Brysing, this is what I've heard and I'm not sure if it's true or not but, in the Middle Ages the herbalists, the midwives, a long with a few other people I can't remember were the only doctors and men wanted to be doctors so, they spread around that Witchcraft was evil and that the herbalists and midwives were witches. So, basically the witches had a choice, convert or, die. The witches were forced to practice their craft in secret and to make the pagan's happy they decided to take the Christian Holliday, Christmas and combine it with Yule and a bunch of other Holidays. When the Christian's didn't convert, they were killed. Now there were several ways to test if someone was a Witch, if you had a wart anywhere on you, you were a witch. They would also tie you up and throw you into the river, if you could swim you were a Witch. It was believed that Witches could not bear to hear the name of God. Now, I know this is a bit off topic but, if we go into the era of The Salem Witch Trials they would give you the chance to say your ten commandments, if you didn't know them you were a Witch. The Puritans believed that the devil was an actual person, not just a character in The Bible. Ironically during that time period you had to admit you were a Witch and if you didn't you went to trial. If you admitted you were a Witch when you died your family lost all your money and property and it went to the state, I think but, it might have been the church. It's a very interesting event to study though.
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Re: why did the christians?
By: / Novice
Post # 35
First I'd like to point out that pagans didn't exactly treat the Christians as family either. Most notably is Emperor Nero who threw Christians in the arena to be eaten by lions or slaughtered by gladiators. His reasons behind this were to secure power for the Imperial Cult. Because of this persecution the Christians adopted many pagan practices to save themselves and to gain converts. Fast forward to Emperor Constantine who was the first emperor to adopt Christianity. Now paganism in all form including the Imperial Cult are illegal. Now the Christians in retaliation to the things done to them in the past begin to destroy all things pagan. It didn't help that the Roman state sanctioned the violence either. This trend has continued into modern times.
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Re: why did the christians?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 36
Somewhat off topic, but that version of the tree of life is more New Age in tradition, with some Celtic origins as well as influence from the Jewish Tree of Life.

Just throwing it out there.
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Re: why did the christians?
Post # 37
I reckon they were scared... i havnt researched the topic and i have no idea of whats proven... but i think they were scared of the powers and abilitys we have, they were scared that we would destroy them with out ways, i think they thourght we were a big threat of their plan of domination...
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Re: why did the christians?
Post # 38
Going back to the title of the thread 'why did the christians', adding 'why did the pagans', or any group of people, - it wasn't necessaily 'christians', for example, who lead these horrific acts, but people in power who used a religion as an excuse to exert influence and power in populations they wished to control, usually for material gain. The bible, for example, was several times re-written to suit the agenda of the leaders at the time. I wouldn't assume that because something was done in the name of a religion, it had anything to do with the relgion, or that the people instigating the activity even followed said religion. It's just a cute way to get support for what is being done, much like the politics of today.
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Re: why did the christian
Post # 39
Well said zebrah.
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Re: why did the christians?
Post # 40
For the same reason you are competitive in sports. And are you sure it is the Christians? I don't think singling out a belief system is very nice...

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