Witches vs. Wizards

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Re: Witches vs. Wizards
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
Yes, Stonicus, words are important. What is also important is the way they change. Words and labels change, but the spiritual beliefs have not changed over the centuries. To give just one example.( for the whole forum, not you of course; you already know!)The great painters and artists (especially Italian!) were commissioned by rich and powerful Christians. (Including the Vatican!)But they still portrayed the old beliefs. Look at the images of the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus. Then compare those images with the images of Isis and her baby Horus. They are identical! Oh, yes, many religions have taken away the feminine, and replaced it with the masculine. But the old beliefs are still there! Diana still follows Apollo.The moon and the sun have been with us since the beginning of time! Without either there would be no life on this planet. One gives life, the other influences it. (Tides?)
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Re: Witches vs. Wizards
Post # 12
I usually use titles like druids or mediums, it's just easier. It's just for my story that I'm working on because there is a warlock and a wizard so I wanted to know if I got those right. The I call them witches, but it's mostly one of the main people that I call a witch. Everyone else I call sorceress, enchantress, seer, illusionists, because that relates to their role in the story more directly.

Anyways, thanks for all the replies! :)
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Re: Witches vs. Wizards
Post # 13
I would suggest using a label you feel is right, or dont use one at all. Labels seem to subconsciously limit your perception, but that is just me.
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Re: Witches vs. Wizards
Post # 14
Everyone here is wrong . True wizards do spend time doing research but wizards are no different from witches . I am a wizard myself its kinda offensive how guys could be so cocky about this subject . Wizards spend time working with fairies and other spirits also we soend a lot of time making potions and scrying . Wizards are the whole reason for having the magic wand and if you did your research then you all wouldn't be so mis leaded towards this subject.
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