Image Magic

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Image Magic
Post # 1
Image magic is an old form of sympathetic magic that has been utilized for centuries. Some of the earliest versions of this were used by early Native Americans. They would sculpt clay figures of the animals that they hunted and then they would stab them with sticks. By doing this they believed that it would better their chances of killing the actual animal when it came time to hunt. The basic idea was that by performing the act of symbolically killing the figure of the animal it would bring about the actual killing of it by means of focus, will, determination, visualization, and the energy behind it all.
I’ve pieced together a simple spell that one can use to achieve similar goals or ideals. First, gather together a few white candles (you can use as many candles as you like, or as many as you think you will need). Second, get a pen and a piece of paper. Once you have collected these items find a quiet spot to perform your spell, preferably one in which you will not be disturbed. Light your candles and then use the pen and paper to draw what it is that you want to take place. If you are in ill health and you wish to recover, perhaps depict yourself well or in the process of getting there. Focus and visualize that your goal is taking root and happening, or that it will do so. As you do this say:
“By my focus and desires, I will (whatever it is you are in need of or asking for), to take shape. By my symbolically depicting its taking root I allow it, I will it, I make it into a reality.”
Continue to do this everyday until the candles are all gone. Bury their remnants outside, put up the pages on which you have drawn your wish need, and know that the Gods have heard and seen your need and desire for aid and that they will help complete what has been set into motion. Also remember that some spells take longer than others to take effect, and that what you want will not necessarily happen overnight or within a few days. Be patient.
NOTE: When drawing or depicting your need or wish you don’t have to be an artist. You can draw stick figures, as long as you know what you want and as long as you have a strong will, focus, determination, and belief that what you are doing is going to work then it will.

I collected some information on this from ''The Witch Book: The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, Wicca, and Neo-Paganism.''

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