-The Academy of Magic-

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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: / Beginner
Post # 41
Actually, the wounds of jesus is true. As Silver mailed me some info on pentragrams, turns out one time(before christians went all devilish on the occult) the pentagram did represent the 5 wounds of jesus.

Guess it's really true, you learn something new everyday(well most of the time).

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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 42
Yep, the pentagram/pentacle can have a number of different meanings. One of them in the early Christian church was that the points of the pentagram represented the five wounds of Christ.

(Just as an aside, the pentagram is simply a 5-pointed star, the pentacle is the star within a circle.)

We now more commonly see them as representing the five Elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. But even within Paganism there are other meanings that can be ascribed to the symbol.

Within the Feri Tradition of Witchcraft there are a number of different pentacles which are used as tools in inner workings. Some of those include the Iron Pentacle (pride, power, sex, self, and passion), the Pearl Pentacle (love, knowledge, liberty, wisdom, law, and a number of others as well.

I have also seen the pentagram tied to the stages of initiation, or to the stages of life.

The inverted pentagram is typically viewed as a Satanic symbol; however, in British Traditional Wicca the inverted pentagram is a symbol of 2nd Degree initiation.

The pentacle/pentagram is a symbol which has been used for thousands of years in many different cultures. So it should come as no surprise that many different meanings can be attached to it.

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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
Post # 43
Then next time, just search of it than calling me lier, arrogant, unexpirienced, blames and bla bla bla..

Because of my bad english, some things may heared truly like i am speaking as an arrogant sorry, i checked them again and i find way. As i saw, it is different saying something in greek than english.

About the element, i didin't mean "I am the most powerful" or something like that, i wanted to say that because this element is how it is called, really, "the above of all elements" and not that i am someone that casts beams from his hand.

I am sorry if i offensed somebody, i didint want to and i didint mean to. So, if you would like to give me some nice hints or suggestions, i would glady hear them, and dont yell at me or my site anymore please.
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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: / Beginner
Post # 44
You might not mean and harm or anything, but I will say this much(and I mean it oh soo kindly) you are quite ignorant in many ways.

For starters, you don't accept advice well, you seem to be threatened by other people trying to give you help and noting the fact that what you claim shows your faults and falcehood(i know I butchered the word).

All in all, I have posted a number of posts on the site, of which suggesting things that could get improved or don't quite work. Only to find within the day or two they have been deleted.

Any postings I've put here, have been mostly for evaluation purposes. Both in the site and the one advertising/running it. If you truely mean to educate others, then you should not be so quick to shut down just because you ran up against a bit of struggle. This just further shows that you might not be quite ready to teach others, when you yourself are not well taught.


"Ok, guys, i changed my mind.

Its up to you now, if you wish this site to continue, tell it with your post."

With all this said, personally I could care less whether or not you keep the site up. I along with a number of others have only tried to help you(whether you liked what was said or not is another matter all together). But it was all with the best in mind(after all, nothing is worse then teaching misinfo).

Till next post,
Glim :D
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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
Post # 45
I've read countless Christian and anti-Christian texts and talked with so many theology professors and I have never heard anything about pentagram being connected with wounds of Jesus.
I talked to a priest that has 3/5 stigmata and he has no clue about it.
Even anti Christians and atheists have no written text about it.
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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: / Beginner
Post # 46
Well, thats that. Just checked the site, and it is no longer.
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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
Post # 47
Sorry for the double post.

I've seen pentagrams in churches but construction of these churches was financed by the free masons which are in a tight bond with illuminati here in Europe. Aside pentagrams there were also pyramids with an eye (a symbol of free masons).

Since illuminati wish to destroy religions (it's true, one dude tried to talk me into joining so I tricked him into telling me stuff about them) and Christianity is the "biggest enemy" in their eyes it could be their way of mocking Christian churches.
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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 48

There actually are some written discussions about the pentagram and the stigmata stemming from Medieval writings. You might want to look at these sites:


And from the article on Witchvox found here: http://www.witchvox.com/va/dt_va.html?a=uspa&c=words&id=13374

"In fact, the five-pointed star is also defined as a symbol of Christ, "the bright and morning star": and, inverted with one point down, it represents the descent of Christ, which represents his Incarnation. Lo and behold, there is a huge inverted five-pointed star on the steeple of the "Marktkirche", or Market Church in fourteenth century Hanover, Germany and there are the numerous inverted stars that surround a statue of Mary and the Christ Child in Chartres Cathedral circa 1150 C.E.

The early Christians attributed the pentagram to the Five Stigmata of Christ and/or the doctrine of the Trinity plus that of the two natures of Christ.

It can also be seen on gravestones in the Claustro da Lavagem in the Convento at Tomar, Portugal, the monastery of Ravna, Bulgaria and the Church of All Saints at Kilham, Humberside, Yorkshire, England, which incorporates the symbol on the columns which support the Norman doorway. It is indented on the gateposts of the churchyard of S. Peter’s, Walworth, England, built in 1824 CE."

Isn't it fascinating how the idea changed from the concept of the pentagram as a Christian symbol to one that most Christians feel represents evil?


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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: / Beginner
Post # 49
The link for the site being discussed here is posted in MiddeM's first post: www.academy-of-magic.webs.com which as of earlier today is no longer up. Due to, well what most can call immaturatiy, lack of respect, lack of knowledge, and many other things, the site owner demolished the site mostly because confrontation that he came up against, both on this site as well as his own(some of which I don't think he really liked me, for I voiced my opinion freely and usually in a means to help).

Anyways, just gander through this thread and you'll get the scoop.

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Re: -The Academy of Magic-
By: / Beginner
Post # 50
I know double post, yada yada.

Anywho, after all of this it has got me to thinking. So much so that I am thinking about creating a schoolish site to go along with my other site(can find it on my profile).

It is currently not created yet(but that can change quickly). However, what I'm looking for right now is some advice.
1. What kind of material should be taught
2. If anyone is willing to teach something
3. What kind of entrance examination(if any) should I have

Feel free to respond here or by email, in time I might make a thread in itself, but thought I'd get a quick poll to start(and to see if its worth spending my time on).

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