an amulet...made simple

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an amulet...made simple
Post # 1
so your a witch or a magician..and you want to wear something magickal that also symbolizes your Craft..Well wear an amulet.
AN amulet is easy to can use jewelry have already..or even something you have made..
simply take your piece of jewelry and cleanse consecrate and empower it then - its an amulet. do the same to a stone and then- a talisman- do the same to many objects then its a talisman-
these are wonderful to work with and also serve as a conversation piece ,,if you see someone and they ask about your Jewelery, and then t you tell them it is an amulet, and what it represents, you may wind up making a great conversation and passing on the gospel of the Craft. You might even educate some people- also an amulet makes a great gift and can make an inexpensive piece of jewelery sentimental ,unique, and something to remember,,also it will perform the use of magick set upon it..
set your appropriate spell work on your amulet then cleanse consecrate and empower it... its that simple
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 2
but how to we conceret or whatever it.
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 3
I think it's a spell that blesses the item or something
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 4
Here's How to consecrate an amulet/talisman:
You'll need a white candle, a cup of water, a small bowl of salt, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

North/Earth: salt
East/Air: incense
South/Fire: candle
West/Water: water

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense. Take the tool or other item you wish to consecrate in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:

Powers of the North,
Guardians of the Earth,
I consecrate this wand of willow (or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc)
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Now, turn to the east and, holding the tool in the smoke of the incense, say:

Powers of the East,
Guardians of the Air,
I consecrate this wand of willow
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Next, face the south and pass the tool over the flame of the candle -- be careful if it's a flammable material like Tarot cards or a robe! -- and repeat the process, saying:

Powers of the South,
Guardians of Fire,
I consecrate this wand of willow
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say:

Powers of the West,
Guardians of Water,
I consecrate this wand of willow [or knife of steel, amulet of crystal, etc]
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night, and make this tool sacred.

Face your altar, hold the wand (athame/chalice/amulet/whatever) to the sky, and say:

I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones,
the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
I banish the energies of any previous owners,
and make it new and fresh.
I consecrate this wand,
and it is mine.

Now you've not only consecrated the tool, you've claimed ownership. In many Wiccan traditions, it's considered a good idea to put the item to use immediately to bind the consecration and strengthen the energy of the tool. If you've consecrated a wand, athame, or chalice, you can use those in a ceremony to consecrate another tool. If you've consecrated something that is worn, such as an article of clothing (for example, a ritual robe) or a piece of jewelry, begin wearing it now.

What You Need:
A candle, preferably white
A cup of water
The tool to be consecrated

I hope this helps, Blessed Be, Nyanah
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 5
I personally think that casting a spell on a item will eventrally wear off so. So I think inscribing certain symbols is more permenate and will not needed to be recharged 24/7
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 6
Self-recharging ones can be based on cyclical energy generations, like the rotation of the celestial objects. Pick a planet appropriate for the type of magick you want to do, get the planetary day and hour, get the correspondences, find the god name/archangel/angel/spirit/intelligence for the planet and build it at the appropriate time/day correspondence. You can throw in some numerological correspondence and planetary sigil in, too, to make it stronger. For the names, the spirit and intelligence seem to work against each for some reason. So, don't add both on the same one. But, having all the other names works and makes it stronger. At least, put the god name/angelic choir and archangel name.

It's important to remember that an amulet keeps things away from you and a talisman draws them to you. Many use the terms interchangably, but there is a distinction.

The material it's made out of doesn't matter. It can be a piece of paper that was cut, so the sides folded up into a cube. You can bring in metal/gem magick to add more punch, but that's up to you. I made my first one in this life out of a piece of paper with everything written on it and it worked perfectly.

There is no place on the material used where you shouldn't put a correspondece. All areas are good.

Do the LBRP, BRH and Middle Pillar and during the MP, see the light coming down, as it turns into the color correspondence of the planet and go into the item. Pick it up and say you are charging this amulet/talisman in the name of whoever the god name/divine name you're using. And say "O great (angel/archangel names), charge and consecrate this [amulet/talisman] for the purpose of" whatever you're wanting accomplished.

Draw an invoking pentagram of the earth the number of times that is the planet's number correspondence and say each time you do a pentagram, 'I consecrate this [amulet/talisman] in the name of [god name] '.

Do the LBRP and the BRH. Wear it if you want or throw it somewhere and forget it. Your choice.

There's a chaos magick route that has you drawing a sigil by letting your subconscious do it. But, there are other chaos sigil making methods. After that, you could (my own creation, not something I specifically learned was chaos magick method specific) burn it, letting the drawing rest on the talisman/amulet (unless it's a flammable object- then just hold it above it, while it burns).

There is adding sexual fluids or blood to the item as you tell the energy of the object that you want it to do something. These last 2 you might have to do multiple times before you start seeing effects. But, it's good to keep doing it for stronger effects.
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 7
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Re: an amulet...made simple
Post # 8
I'm not familiar with the yh shorthand.
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Re: an amulet...made simp
Post # 9
yh= yes thank you that was very constructive information you typed in this forum thanks for the great information....Thats what yh means comes in handy eh?

eh= right!!
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