programing pendulums

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Re: programing pendulums
Post # 11
Yeah, when I first started using one I was like OMG WWOOOOWWZ!! lol, but it loses its wow factor quickly. I ran out of things to ask I suppose.

My pendulum has a very curious pull to it. It's made out of sodalite, which isn't a particularly heavy stone, at least in such a small form, but it did not have this weight when I first bought it. When I use it there is a definite downward pull, and if you move carefully enough you can notice a sort of lag in the stone following my pull. It is definitely the favorite of my 3 pendulums; I have a rose quartz one I use for healing and carnelian one I haven't quite put to use yet. I always thank the stone's energy/spirit after I use it and I either run it under cold water to cleanse it, or set it on a bed of flower petals or other earthy material.
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