Cleansing Body Negitivity

CovenHealers of Light ► Cleansing Body Negitivity
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Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 1
Here's something that might help you...I use it myself alot...When you feel you are having a bad day...make up some bath water with the salt to rid the negitivity from your body . Take as many candles in the bathroom with you as you can find...light the candles and then turn off all the lights and get into the bath water...while you are in the tub take the salt and say I thank you God/Goddess of Earth and water for your blessings and I ask that you wash away all this negitivity from my body and within me . and with your hands pour water all over you body and even your you are pouring the water over you say...I rid this negitivity from within me and from my body..Once you are done then close your eyes and meditate just sitting there for as long as you can but it's best to do this when you are able to be undisturbed while you meditate...try meditating for at least 30 minutes or even and hour...When you are done and ready to get out of the water Thank the god/godess for their blessings to purify you of all the negitivity from within you and from around you. then get out and turn the lights back on and blow out the candles and don't rub when you dry off just pat yourself Dry and put loose clothes on to sleep should feel alot more refreshed in the morning and it will feel like a big weight has been lifted off you as you feel the negitivity should be can do this every night if you need to or as often as you feel like that negitivity is weighing you down in your energies,thoughts,and your everyday life...I promise it will help..

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 2
That sounds like it would help alot. I will probubly do it tomorrow night.

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 3
ahh water magick. I love water magick and also use it to rid the body and soul of negitivity. I use a bit different method. When getting ready to shower, I cast a magickal circle in my mind. Pray, thanking whoever you may pray to (as the praying is optional according to your own beliefs), for the power to cleanse oneself of negitivity, then once in the shower I actually focus on my feet growing right into the bottom of the tub, then visualize the water going right through me and washing all neg enegry and pain I may have picked up from another right down the drain. Once done showering I close my circle and thank god for giving me the power to remove that that harms me. I was taught this method by a teacher I had years ago and it has been working great for me a couple of coven members now use this method. If it helps just one person it makes it worth posting.

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 4
Oh and thank you drakken as this is always an issue in the healing area. as many of us take the persons pain or negative enegry from the person and some may get into oneself.

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 5
you are welcome sister and I to agree that It is actually a very necessary thing to know how to wash away all the negiativity at the end of the day before you sleep or to wash it away before you perform magic because it can actually hinder your magic if you carry negativity into your performances..

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 6
great info, thought i would share mine:

Fill bath tub with hot water (as hot as you like), add a ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil. Candles or incense if you like I prefer Lavender scent.

As you sit in the water, relax rubbing the oil on yourself concentrate on breathing let your mind go, start at your head rubbing the energy down your neck and into your arms pay attention to the fingers make sure to push all the negative out of your fingertips. Continue with your torso rubbing down into your legs and push out of your toes.

Once you have released the energy you should feel lighter more refreshed relaxed for another round with life’s good and bad moments.

Re: Cleansing Body Negitivity
Post # 7
sound like a very good method i shall have to try that sometime

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