the question is.....why?

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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 50
religion is a search for the truth. People come to find truth differently. All i have to say is that i hope that God will help all those who question or struggle to the truth. We may give him different names, may even give God different personas, but in the end most monotheistic religions that worship God, Allah, ect are all after the same essential truths.
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 51
Viper, it is unwise to advertise ignorance.

Christians dress according to what they believe is the proper way to dress. Whether or not they overdress really depends on what church they go to. If they go to one where everyone dresses like that then they fit society's set standard dress code. If they go to one where mostly everyone dresses casually(like what I go to) then a suit would be over dressing, but some older folk or people who have business work later in the day may still dress in suits. I just wear jeans, t-shirt, and a hoodie or leather jacket.

As for with asking for forgiveness, your comment on that(no offense) was just plain stupid. Nobody has to apologize for being human. That is how we were born and we were born this way for a reason. We ask forgiveness for sinning, but even then we don't have to overdress for that. Catholics believe that you go to the Priest and tell him your sins then he talks to God for you, but others, such as myself, read the part where it said "confess to god and ask forgiveness" so we talk straight to god. I actually rarely go to church because I, personally, feel closer to god in a forest. I go for a walk on Sunday, say some prayers while climbing through and around trees, that is my church.

Please, for the sake of others if not for yourself, do some research before saying such things or at least put some thought into it.
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 52
Dead on ragnorock. I feel like ive said this a million times recently, but ill say it again: Church is not a building, the church is the body of believers in Christ.
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 53
I agree, Ragnorok.
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 54
jeez calm down it was harmless joke. Its nothing to get excited about. xP
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 55
Hhmmm... The question is why?
So let me ask you GodzLilAngel, Why are you here on a pagan website? and why are you judging people and a religion you clearly know Nothing about? Does not yr Bible speak against judging others?
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 56
These religious post do not belong here, Whatever one chooses to
believe and accept is up to them. I refuse to accept and be judged
by other peoples self limiting beliefs that do not serve my purpose! Religious arguments are a waste of time any millions have been killed in the name of one's "god" and religion! A person can
choose to believe what they want stop trying to recruit for your
"side"!!! For the record, it is a fact that less people have been
killed in the name of Satan,Wicca,the occult and black magic so spear me and start using your brain!!!
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 57
Scorpio, keep in mind that it doesn't really matter who killed who in who's name. If you believe that humans killing in a deity's name makes that deity responsible, then likewise a human killing in the name of another human would make that human responsible. That said, if I were to kill in your name then by the belief mentioned you would be a murderer. Doesn't make much sense, does it? lol.

Individuals are responsible for their own actions and each religion has statistics both for and against them. Christians in the past had their crusade, now Satanists are known for breaking laws, and although I have no facts to support this I think I remember reading somewhere about many schizophrenics or otherwise mentally impaired people choosing Wiccan or Pagan beliefs. This does not mean all Satanists nor Satan himself is evil, it does not mean God is a murderer, and it does not mean all Wiccans/Pagans nor their gods and goddesses are insane. It simply means we are all human and we like to cause trouble by splitting people into many categories then blaming the categories for a number of unrelated things.

Rather then blame any religion, blame humanity, and while doing so keep in mind that you are human too regardless of what you may claim to be(not directed at anyone in particular, the comment of "what you may claim to be" is for any vampire-lycan-mermaids reading this).
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 58
I've been avoiding posting in this thread, but I've decided to post anyway. Granted, what I am about to say is far nicer than what ran through my mind the first time I read your post.

GodzLilAngel, according to your bible only your God can judge, so what gives you the right to come here and judge us? Nothing, sweetie. As another member stated, if you are against Pagans and Paganism why come to a site filled with them? Everyone sins in one way or the other. No one is perfect, not you or anyone else, so don't act like it. As to the comment you made on Satanism, not every Pagan worships him. Also from what I know he is not the same Satan depicted in the Bible. Even if he was it is none of your concern or your business what others do or believe. If you have a problem with us and our beliefs then leave. I doubt anyone would miss you.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be.
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Re: the question is.....why?
Post # 59
I think she already left. Sheesh, GodzLilAngel must dislike nature-lovers a lot, sad.
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