Fused Oil

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Fused Oil
Post # 1
This is How to Prepare your own Infused Oils at Home

Water Bath Method...

Ingredients: potpourri
Vegetable Oil
Double Broiler Pot
Coffee Filters or Paper Towels
2 cups Water
straining funnel
Clean Glass Bowl
Mason Jar or ceramic container

Pour the 2 cups of water in the bottom pot of the double broiler
and put on a meduim heat. In the top pot of the double Broiler
ass the potpourri and the vegetable oil. (Make sure the oil covers the potpourri.) Once the water is boileing in the bottom half of the double broiler place the top pot on it and cover with lid. Keep the lid on the the oil and stir occasionally with a wooden spoon and bring the oil to a simmer for 30 minutes. Watch the oil does not get to hot. (If it should not smoke or bubble, It can burn easily and will develope a acrid smell if it over heats.) Once the Oil has simmered for 30 minutes pull the pot off the heat and let cool to a room tempature before you strain (If you try to drain it hot you will get burned) Once the oil has cooled off where you can handle it. place coffee filters/Paper towels in a straining position around the bowl and slowly pour the oil to strain the potpourri from the oil. (you may have to strain it twice.) Once you have the oil seperated from the potpourri pour the oil in the jar or ceramic container to store for use.

Re: Fused Oil
Post # 2
This blend is for relaxation and stress relief. It will induce a deep relaxation of the tissues, muscles and joints, and re-establish a good energy balance.

Blend the following essential oils into one ounce of carrier oil of your choice; Massage as desired. May also be used as a bath oil.

3 drops Lavender 3 drops Tangerine 3 drops Marjoram 1 drop Chamomile

A Scented Bath

Relaxing in a warm scented bath induces alpha brain waves, which enhance concentration and are more likely to trigger intuition than the rapid beta waves we experience throughout our normal day. Researchers agree that intuitive thoughts come suddenly and ususally when we're relaxing. Enjoy!

This was an essential oil based bath I found on the net and used. I have to say it really does wonders when you are stressed. Here's the link, there are so many good recipes for oils out there, that are just so useful. Never be afraid to experiment either.


Re: Fused Oil
Post # 3
Thank you for that Post Sissy..That is very Informative information and I am definately going to try it..

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