Altar Designing

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Re: Altar Designing
Post # 11
My altar is like got everything kinda in a circle looking inwards into the middle where i will do my spellwork or put my bos or watever is gunna be done there. Ive got like clay dragon figures on the fire side looking inward. same with clay wizard figues. It feels like my own kindve coven. all of these hav great energy to them becuase they were all presents from Loving family and freinds for my bdays and chrismass. It gives me a great feel and makes it not so plain. Sum how glitter got on there, i think from the pine cone my freinds decorated and gave to me for yule. And it makes it look so awsome. i have my athame which has an awsome dragon on a castle which holds it at the north representing fires along with sum dragons anfd a read candle. Oh i live in the southern hemisphere thats why everything may seem a little diff set up then others. Ive4 got and iol burner and insence and such in the east part. withj a couple of knowledgable Clay wizard figures becuase i believe air is an elemnt of kbnowledge. so the wizards represent the knowledge air brings. Ive got sum stones and such in the southern half to represten earth. Mostly from my farm becasue i reckon crystals are allitle tempered with these days unless u find them and get them from the eArth by hand. so the stones i found were ones i thought looked cool and were around my farm.
On the west i hav a chalice with holy water in it. I hav little multi coloured awsome looking glasses surrounding it with sum shells and such with holy water in them.
and thats basically my alter
It has draws and stuff so i put tools and other stuff like candles and insnecs sticks and esssentual oil in there
So yeah
hope inspired yus all
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Re: Altar Designing
Post # 12
what can i say. . . my altar is just three dried maple leafs under a blessed acryllic display sheet (to act as a table) at the front and on the left of that i have a hazelnut twards the front I have a piece of beech bark further up I have two clam shells seperated by a black guiding stone higher I have a polished lapis and a earth blessed mushroom candle with my wand curving from the hazelnut to the candle
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Re: Altar Designing
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
Here's a few altar pictures that might interest you. The first is of my personal altar honoring my Patron Deities:

This one is my coven's Mabon altar:

This was the coven Samhain altar:

This was our coven Yule altar:

And this was the coven's Imbolc altar:

Hope these give you some inspiration.


Check the links for extra spaces in them and remove those spaces to go to the webpage with the pictures.
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