Throat Chakra Hurts

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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 11
Its not really an energy problem but a medical issue. We breathe
it things that are not good for us. We get a sore throat because its
irritated. I know, I get this feeling something.

Right now, I feel a tingling on the surface (middle of neck). And I
also feel a pressure there. My throat is healthy now but, how can I
explain...? It feels like my forehead, right in the middle. That's how
I know something is miraculously happening.
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 12
It almost sounds like you at first said it is not the chakra by implying it is medical then said it is the chakra by comparing it to the tingle in the area of the Third Eye...
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 13


You've misinterpreted what I said.
That's right, it's not charka simulation it is a medical issue.
What I said about myself, my experiences with tingling sensation, was
referring to my Anja/Brow chakra. This does not imply to her experience.
If she felt a stimulation, it would feel like my own...
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 14
No, everyone experiences it differently according to how quickly a chakra opens/closes, is clogged/cleansed, and according to how the person believes it should feel. Now I understand what you were saying, but I have found that it is wrong. I believed the same thing for awhile and made a few mistakes in advising people because of it, but having done more research I found that different people will experience the workings of energy and chakras differently.
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 15
That's true people may have a different effect when the chakras are
being open. But I still think its a medical issue though.
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 16
Considering the information given, I agree. Regardless it has probably been solved by now. This thread was created almost three months ago, perhaps closer to two and half. To tired to do math.
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 17
Dingdong, you seem pretty set on saying its an energy issue. I am also an energy healer, am sensitive to energies, and to top it off I'm an empath by birth. However what you are saying sounds and appears to be a medical condition. subways and dirty places are filled with allergens. Also you said it was after you became a healer? well you could have highened senses, or maybe sped up an alergy since some allergies don't come along untill your older. (ex whenyour a kid your not allegic to peanut butter, when you hit your teen years and on your deathly allergic. It can come at anytime and leave anytime) But what you have stated doesn't seem like somthing the throat chakra does.

p.s. If your an energy healer you SHOULD put positive energy out whenever you heal, since you take away negative energy (which IS energy) but don't put something back, you deplete that person just as much if not more than they already were. this doesn't apply to small pains such as headaches however sice you don't remove that much negative energy in the end. But balance is good in energy healing :)
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 18
lapislazuli stone is good for the throat blessed be
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Re: Throat Chakra Hurts
Post # 19
Well, my throat chakra sometimes hurt when I am near sick people, but then I can remove the dirty energy from there. So, I am ok with it.
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