What is Magic?

CovenHealers of Light ► What is Magic?
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What is Magic?
Post # 1
Essentially magic is the art of making things happen by drawing on the powers of the natural world.But even if we are not yet able to influence even,most of us retain a sense of the magical,despite living in an urban technological society an for the most part,out of touch with the natural world and its powers.
''Magic'' is often the word we instinctively use to describe a stunning sunset,a leafy forest glade,or a wintry landscape transformed by a carpet of snow.It may also be how we refer to an idyllic time,such as a love affair or dream holiday,or to one of life's very special moments,such as the birth of a child or an outstanding achievement.All of these experiences,however diverse,have something in common:they touch us at our deepest core,enchanting,surprising and delighting us.
We may also use the term ''Magic'' to express our sense of wonder and awe at creation and our place in it:the feeling that for this moment at least,all is right with the world.Magic is what can happen when we step outside our everyday reality to connect with something precious and much bigger that our ''little selves''

Magically Yours-Abrasax

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