Chakras 101- Root Chakra

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Chakras 101- Root Chakra
Post # 1
Sorry for the wait! Hope that this will be helpful.


This lesson will focus on the root chakra. Just for reference, in the Hindu language this chakra is called Muladhara. However, for the sake of clarity, I will refer to it here (and from now on) as the root chakra.

In our previous lesson, we learned that the root chakra is located in the area between the genitals and the anus. We also learned that its color is red. Finally, we learned that the chakra deals with the areas of survival and security. Now let's look deeper.

**Why red?**
Why would red be the color for the root chakra? Well, vibrationally speaking, red is the lowest vibrating of the colors, just as the root is the lowest vibrating of the chakras. The color red is considered to be one of the “earthier” colors (by earthier, I mean that it tends to be associated with physical things, like blood and sex). It makes sense that red would be the color for the first of the chakras when we look at it this way.

**A healthy root chakra**

The root chakra deals with survival and security. When it is opened and balanced, you are physically “there” so to speak, and you will feel able to handle most situations. Most importantly, you will feel grounded, stable, and secure. You may find that it is easier to “live in the now” when this chakra is healthy.

**Signs of imbalance**

Remember from our previous lesson that there are two ways in which a chakra can be out of balance. One way is that the chakra is “closed” off and is not fully functional. Another way is that the chakra is too open, that it is working in overdrive.

**When the root chakra is closed/blocked**
You will find yourself feeling nervous, fearful, and unwelcome in various situations. You will be insecure, and it will be very easy to worry. A lot. Living in a state of constant fear is unhealthy, but you don't need me to tell you that.

**When the root chakra is too active**
When the root chakra is too active, it is easy to become greedy and obsessed with your own security. You may find yourself resisting change at any cost, because the idea of insecurity will be very scary. This is unhealthy, too.

**How do my chakras get out-of-balance?**
There are many ways a chakra can become imbalanced. Generally, day-to-day wear and tear happens with your chakras just like with the rest of you. Your thought patterns and attitudes can contribute to chakra imbalances. Sometimes, injuries received in past lives can manifest as problems with the chakras. Finally, I believe that everyone has a chakra that they have to work harder at keeping balanced. (For instance, I have always had difficulty with my sacral chakra. I have a difficult time keeping it open. We'll discuss the sacral chakra in next week's lesson).

**So my root chakra has a problem. Now what?**

Before we get into ways to open up and balance out your root chakra, I want to tell you something I didn't mention in the last lesson.

Having a chakra imbalance does not mean you are “bad”. It does not mean that you are not diligent enough in your studies. It does not mean that you are possessed.

Everyone will experience chakra imbalances from time to time. This is normal. We are all only human. We're not perfect. We can't keep our chakras in perfect balance 100% of the time.

But we can take care of them.

Now then, there are several ways to get in tune with your root chakra. My favorite is a variaton of the old standby: grounding.

Stand with both feet firmly on the ground, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Let your arms hang at your sides. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Focus on the area where your root chakra is. Feel it moving. Is it moving slowly? Or very quickly, so much that it seems too much to handle? Get a feel for it for a little while. Make sure you keep breathing. When you're ready, visualize roots growing from your root chakra (redundant, I know). See them growing down into the floor, then through the floor to the ground beneath it, then through the various layers of the earth until you reach the very center. (I know it's inaccurate, but I always like to picture the center of the Earth as this huge ball of healing green energy). Feel the Earth's healing energy move through the roots and into your root chakra. Stay this way, making sure you check up on your chakra. If it was blocked before, feel it beginning to speed up, but never going too quickly. If you feel it going too quickly, feel it slowing down, but not so much that the chakra begins to feel “inactive”.

Breathe here until you feel like your root chakra has been fixed. Then visualize the roots coming back into your chakra. Stay like this for as long as you feel like you need to. Then thank the Earth (you don't have to do it out loud) and go about your business. (I do feel that it is necessary to thank the Earth for the healing energy, after all.)

Well. I think that wraps it up for this lesson. Check back next week!


Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send Ningyou a PM and she'll get to you as time permits.

Re: Chakras 101- Root Chakra
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Hey nice one :D

Re: Chakras 101- Root Chakra
Post # 3
thanks for this very informative.

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