out of love

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out of love
Post # 1
is there a spell to have someone fall out of love with you?
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Re: out of love
Post # 2
For a love spell the best way for one to work, is create one of your own. Also using items that would enhance the spell. Rose quartz is a strong stone to use for the love spell. I think it's a pink or could be a red candle, I can't remember which one at the moment to use. Burn the candle as doing so think of the one you wish to fall in love with and let the candle burn out on its own. And carry the stone thinking of the one you are smitten with. There are binding spells but I for one don't go near those. But hen doing a love spell just be careful of what you do or the backfire will hurt.
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Re: out of love
Post # 3
I am interested in casting a love spell. The object of my affections feels the same way about me to but something is holding him back. Maybe he's scared of getting hurt. Where can I get hold of lovers incence and is it best to cast love spells on a Friday by the light of the full moon? Tanith
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Re: out of love
Post # 4
Well it sure did back fire. I wish he did still love me and thing is I didn't try to cast one yet and between feburary and may things were good although we were over 2k miles apart. He moved and was nowhere to be found for the time being, but I did find him according to friends he still loves but wants to move on. So now I will try that of what u offered I pray it works cause I love him so much it hurts. lesson in life becareful what you wish for. I'll take aany help I can get.
thanks a bunch
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